Learning Tree
In this .NET Web Services course, you learn to create WCF services, develop RESTful Web services with ASP.NET Web API, & real time Web services with SignalR.
.NET, web services, WCF, ASP.NET, Web API, SignalR, C#, Visual Basic, enterprise applications, online access, business data, frameworks, technologies, distributed applications, isolated data, programming, training. -.NET, web servises, WFC, ASB.NET, Web AIP, SingalR, C#, Vusual Basic, entrprise applications, onine access, busines data, framworks, tecnologies, distrubuted applications, isolatd data, programing, traning.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
Develop 21st-century leadership skills to inspire excellence and foster engagement. Unlock your full leadership potential with our comprehensive training.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
APMG International
Attend this official APMG AgilePM Foundation certification course & learn to deliver projects rapidly to meet customer needs. Foundation exam included.
AgilePM, Agile PM, APMG, certification, training, course, exam, foundation, flex, deliver, projects, customer needs, rapid, meet, preparation, official, class, Achieving AgilePM® Foundation Certification Training, Agile PM, certification, training, APMG, foundation, course, exam, learn, flex, deliver, projects, customer needs, preparation, official, rapid, meet, in-class, AgilPM, AGILEPM, sertification, traning, APM, fundation, courss, exm, lern, fleks, delivr, prjects, costumer, neads, preparashun, officiel, rapit, inclass, Achieving AgilePM® Foundation Certification Training
Foundation2 daysTeam Training -
Attend this SAP ADM100 course & get acquainted with a broad spectrum of administrative activities for AS ABAP based SAP Systems.
SAP, system administration, ADM100, SAP Business Suite, SAP S/4HANA, AS ABAP, administrative activities, start and stop SAP systems, configure SAP systems, manage users, create backups, system maintenance, operation system, administrative rights, course, training. SAP system admin, ADM 100, SAP Business Suite, SAP S4 HANA, ABAP, admin activities, start and stop SAP, configure SAP, managing users, backups, system maintainance, operation system, admin rights.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,600 -
Learn to streamline business processes with Salesforce ADX211. Administer, extend, and automate the platform with process builder & email templates.
Administer, automate, business process automation, extend, marketing cloud, optimize, process builder, support processes, approval steps, approvals, email templates, field updates, flow types, approval status, scheduled flows, triggered flows, products and services, Salesforce, certification exam, hands-on experience, critical business processes Busines process automation, exend, mraketing cloud, aprovals, process bulder, filed upadtes, Sheduled flows, Trigered flows, Salesforce, sertification exam, hans-on experience, critical busines processes.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,600 -
Master collaboration platform administration with our CLACE course. Learn to optimize user experience, ensure security, and troubleshoot issues effectively.
Administering Collaboration Environments, CLACE, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Cisco Unity Connection, CMA, UCA, IP Phones, Users, Dial Plan, Features, Jabber administration, Configuration settings, Instructor-led lectures, Lab tasks, Version 8.x, 9.x, 10.x, 11.x, 12.x, E-kit, Digital format, Web browser, Internet connection, Traditional PBX systems, Telephony concepts, Windows operating system, Internet browsers, PSTN operations, Voice-mail administration tasks, English. Administering Collaboration Enviroments, CLACE, Cisco Unified Communicatons Manager, Cisco Unity Connnection, Jabber administraton.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,300 -
Learning Tree's DP-300 Certification training provides the knowledge to administer a SQL Server database infrastructure for cloud & hybrid relational databases.
dp300, azure sql, microsoft sql, administering sql, sql administration, dp-300, cloud database, on-premises database, hybrid database, relational database, microsoft paas, sql-based applications, database infrastructure, sql solutions, sql offerings, database administration, sql server, azure certification, microsoft certification, dp 300
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Master Windows Server hybrid core infrastructure administration. Gain essential skills to effectively manage and secure your enterprise environment.
az800, Administering, Windows, Server, Infrastructure, Hybrid, Core, Manage, Workloads, Services, On-premises, Cloud, Technologies, Implement, Solutions, Identity, Management, Compute, Networking, Storage, Environment, Mis-spellings Adminstering, Windows Server, Infrastrcture, Hbrid, Manag, Workldos, Serives, Onpremises, Cloude, Technlogies, Implementing, Solutoins, Identiy, Managment, Comute, Netwroking, Storgae, Environemnt, az800, Administer, Windows Server, Infrastructure, Hybrid, Core, Manage, Workloads, Services, On-premises, Cloud technologies, Implement, Identity, Management, Compute, Networking, Storage, Environment, Azure, Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, Group Policy, PowerShell, Virtualization, Backup, Disaster Recovery, Security, Compliance, Patching, Monitoring, Troubleshooting Adminster, Windwos Server, Infrastrcture, Hyrbid, Cpre, Manag, Worklods, Servcies, On-premisis, Clud technologies, Implemente, Identiy, Managment, Comptue, Netwroking, Stroage, Enviroment, Azuer, Actve Directory, DSN, DCHP, Gropu Policy, PoweShell, Virtulization, Bacup, Disater Recovery, Securty, Complience, Paching, Monitring, Troubleshoting Administera, Windows Server, Infrastruktur, Hybrid, Kärna, Hantera, Arbetsbelastningar, Tjänster, On-premises, Molnteknologier, Implementera, Identitet, Hantering, Beräkning, Nätverk, Lagring, Miljö, Azure, Active Directory, DNS, DHCP, Grupprincip, PowerShell, Virtualisering, Backup, Katastrofåterställning, Säkerhet, Efterlevnad, Patchning, Övervakning, Felsökning
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
This 5-day Administrative Essentials for New Admins in Lightning Experience (ADX201) Training is the core training that ensures your success with Salesforce Lightning.
Administrative Essentials, New Admins, Lightning Experience, ADX201, Training, setup, configuration, maintenance, Salesforce applications, power users, sales operations, IT managers, Trailmix, Trailhead Academy, Pre-work Adminstrative Essentials New Admin Lightening Experience ADX 201 Tralmix Trailhead Accademy Prework
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,500 -
Attend this 2-day intermediate Adobe Captivate course & learn the core Adobe Captivate skills needed to create interactive eLearning and mLearning content.
Adobe Captivate Training, Intermediate Adobe Captivate Training, Introduction to Adobe Captivate Training, Object styles, Master slides, Themes, Advanced actions, Variables, Branching scenarios, Accessibility text, Closed captions, Section 508 compliance, eLearning, mLearning, Adobe Captivate Essentials, Captivate Training. Adob Captivate Training, Adobe Captivaite Training, Adove Captivate Training, Adobe Captaveit Training, Addobe Captivate Traning, Intermediate Advance Adobe Captivate Training, Accesibility text, Clozed captions, m-Learning, c-Learning, Adobe Captivity Training.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $795 -
Learn Nutanix performance management & datacenter optimization in Advanced APM v5.15 Training. Prep for NCM-MCI exam.
Advanced APM, administration, performance management, Nutanix clusters, monitor, tune, system performance, optimize, data center administration, Acropolis services, Volumes, Files, Objects, define, manage, secure, workloads, applications, Calm, Flow, Life Cycle Management, LCM, application automation, Self Service Portal, governance, Data Protection, Metro Availability, Witness, Prism Central, command line, machine learning, entity management, resource optimization, planning, Scenario Management, Prism Pro APM Advanced, Natanix, clustars, performanse, manegment, Acropilis, Valumes, Filles, Objacts, Calm and flow, Lyfe Cycle Manegment, Data Protekshan, Meetrow Avaleability, Prism Cewntral, machin learning, planing, senerio managment, Prosm Pro
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,000 -
Unlock your creative potential with Advanced Adobe After Effects CC course. Master powerful motion graphics and visual effects techniques.
Advanced Adobe After Effects CC Training, videographer, graphic artist, animator, text, graphics, effects, menu, tools, efficiency, computers, Mac OS X, Windows skills, Introduction to Adobe After Effects, Intermediate Adobe After Effects, Photoshop Fundamentals, Adoby, Effect, grafics, enamytor, effex, meun, tols, computors, Mac OSX, Windos skills, Introdaction, Advansed.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $795 -
This Advanced Architecting on AWS course covers how to build complex solutions & preps you for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Professional exam.
AWS, Amazon Web Services, advanced architecting, designing, scalable, elastic, applications, platform, data services, governance, security, specialized services, Direct Connect, Storage Gateway, hybrid architecture, best practices, highly available, solutions architect, exam, certified, professional, US, Amazone Web Services, architecting, platforme, securitye, hybridd architecture
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
In this .NET Best Practices & Design Patterns course, gain the skills needed to solve complex programming problems using design patterns & best practices.
.NET, Best Practices, Design Patterns, Training, software programming, Agile development, modern design patterns, architectures, lazy singletons, asynchronous adapters, separation of concerns, C# code, maintainable, flexible, resilient, .NET, Best Practises, Design Pattrens
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Scrum Alliance
This A-CSPO Certification course will advance your skills in maximizing business value and prepare you for the Advanced CSPO certification.
Advanced Certified Scrum Product Owner, A-CSPO, product vision, product backlog, business value, optimization, certification, Scrum Alliance, experience, training, virtual attendance, Agile, classroom, online program, lectures, exercises, techniques, coaching circles, progress, assignments, positive attitude, team impact, A-CSO, A-CPSO, A-CSP0, A-SCP0, Advanced CSPO
IntermediateMulti-WeekOn-DemandTeam TrainingStarts from $1,495 -
Scrum Alliance
This A-CSM Certification course led by Scrum Alliance Certified Scrum Trainers (CSTs), prepares you to get the A-CSM certification.
Advanced Certified ScrumMaster, A-CSM, Scrum, Agile, facilitation, coaching, self-organization, service to the team, resolving impediments, scaling scrum, organizational change, servant leadership, CSM, CSP-SM, Scrum Alliance, Certified Scrum Trainer, SEUs, virtual training, certification, experience, learning objectives, license agreement, exam, register, attendance, email, renewal, Scrum Education Units, GDPR, Personal Data, Privacy Policy. Agilee, facilitiation, couching, orgnizational, Scrumma, A-CSMM, Scum.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classOn-DemandStarts from $1,495 -
This advanced hands-on, 3-day ColdFusion 10 course will teach you to build, maintain, and scale effective, well-performing web applications.
Advanced ColdFusion 10 Development, ColdFusion application developers, Application Framework, advanced queries, complex data, arrays, structures, ColdFusion Components, errors and exceptions, user-interface, custom tags, external Java code libraries, interactive interfaces, Flash Forms, web services, XML documents, scalable applications, Fast Track to ColdFusion 10, CFML tags, functions, variables, SQL command set, SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, Cold Fusion, ColdFusion 10, application functionality, reusing functionality, web applications, web development, web design, programming. ColldFusion, ColdFussion, Cold Fusion, ColtFusion, ColdFussion, Cold Fusion, advaced ColdFusion 10 development, ColfFusion, CovlFusion.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,195 -
Attend this advanced Adobe Illustrator training course & learn advanced Illustrator CC techniques to incorporate visual effects into your workflow.
Advanced Illustrator Training, Adobe Illustrator CC, design tool, visual ideas, print, web, medium, Adobe Certified Instructor, demonstration, hands-on practice, advanced techniques, workflow, Mac OS X, Windows skills, Illustrator Fundamentals, Introduction to Illustrator class, Photoshop Fundamentals, Introduction to Photoshop class. Avanced Ilustrator Traning Adove Ilustrator desing tool printt Adobe Sertified Instrctor demnstration haands-on practice psd Fundamentals Mac OS 10, windowskillls Introductino to Ilustrator clasIntroducton to Photoshp class
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $795 -
Attend this advanced Adobe InDesign training course & learn advanced InDesign CC techniques to incorporate visual effects into your workflow.
InDesign, Adobe InDesign, page layout, design, training course, advanced, interface, tools, features, production tips, instructor-led, hands-on practice, computers, Mac OS X, Windows, fundamentals, Photoshop, creative freedom, productivity, precision, professional designers, superb pages, integrated design, Adobe Illustrator, demonstration, practical knowledge, skills. InDsign, Adob InDesign, layot, desgin, traning, interfase, tolols, featurs, produciton, instrucktor-led, hends-on, compters, Mac OS, Macintosh, Windoes, funadmentals, Photoshoppe, cretive, freedome, profesionel, designerss, integrating, AdobeIllustrator, practicl, skiils.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $795 -
Elevate your software testing skills with our Advanced Software Testing Analyst course. Master advanced techniques and methodologies.
Advanced Level test analyst, ISTQB Software Testing Certification Training, test analysis, test design, test execution, test strategy, system analysis, user quality expectations, system requirements, formal reviews, informal reviews, business domain, requirement validity, risk considerations, appropriate test effort, test priority, testing progress, evidence, system quality, testing objectives, adwanced level test analyst, ISTBQ software testing certification training, tset anlysis, tset desing, tset exection, tset stragety, sytem analysis, user quallity expectashuns, system requirments, formal revews, infromal revews, biznis domain, requirment validty, risk considerrations, appropreate tset effort, tset pririty, testing progess, evydence, systm quallity, testing objectivs.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,199 -
Learning Tree
This 2-day Hands-On Simulation and Automated Testing course provides the knowledge to build more robust models.
Advanced MBSE, Simulation, Automated Testing, SysML Models, Model Based System Engineering, diagrams, testing, experimentation, digital twin, real-world entity, device, processes, IoT, Internet of Things, data monitoring, requirements, external documents, validation, robust models, requirements validation, data types, external programming scripts, modeling elements, course 3682, environmental conditions, theoretical situations, domain-specific date types, equations, formulas, parametric diagrams, structural diagrams, behavioral diagrams, external modeling tools, opaque behaviors, code blocks, fundamental understanding, systems engineering, Chapter 1, Fundamentals, Chapter 2, Data Types, Parameters, Chapter 3, Deploying, Chapter 4, Incorporating Add-Ons, Chapter 5, Writing Scripts, Chapter 6, Requirements Testing, Validation, Reporting, OpenModelica, Simulink, Python script, Systems Engineers, Software Engineers, Integration Engineers, Test Engineers, Project Managers, Systems Analysts, Quality Engineers, Technical Program Managers, communications, automate analysis, system quality, enhanced architecture, analysis, design, development process, Advancd MBSE, Simultaion, Automted Testing, SysML Modles, Model Bsed System Engineering, diagramms, testng, experimentaion, digital twinn, real-world entitty, devic, proceses, IOT, Internet of Thigs, data monitring, requiremnts, external documentes, validaton, robust modelz, requirements validtion, data typs, external programming scriptz, modeling elementz, course 3683, environmental conditons, theoretical situatons, domain-specific date typs, equtions, formulaas, parametric diagrms, structural diagrms, behavioral diagrms, external modeling toolz, opaque behavoirs, code blockz, fundamental understaning, systems enginering, Chapter1, Fundamentls, Chapter 2, Data Typs, Parametrs, Chapter3, Deployng, Chapter4, Incorporating Addons, Chapter5, Writing Scriptz, Chapter6, Requirements Testng, Validaton, Reportng, OpenModelca, Simulnk, Python scripts, Systems Enginners, Software Enginners, Integration Enginners, Test Enginners, Project Mangers, Systems Analyts, Quality Enginners, Technical Program Mangers, communicatons, automate analysi, system qualty, enhanced archtecture, analysi, desing, development proces, Avancerad MBSE, Simulering, Automatiserat Testning, SysML-modeller, Modellbaserad systemteknik, diagram, testning, experiment, digital tvilling, verklig världs-entitet, enhet, processer, IoT, Internet of Things, dataövervakning, krav, externa dokument, validering, robusta modeller, kravvalidering, datatyper, externa programmeringsskript, modelleringselement, kurs 3682, miljöförhållanden, teoretiska situationer, domänspecifika datumtyper, ekvationer, formler, parametriska diagram, strukturella diagram, beteendediagram, externa modelleringsverktyg, opaka beteenden, kodblock, grundläggande förståelse, systemteknik, Kapitel 1, Grundläggande, Kapitel 2, Datatyper, Parametrar, Kapitel 3, Implementering, Kapitel 4, Inkorporering av tillägg, Kapitel 5, Skriv skript, Kapitel 6, Kravtestning, Validering, Rapportering, OpenModelica, Simulink, Python-skript, Systemingenjörer, Mjukvaruingenjörer, Integrationsingenjörer, Testingenjörer, Projektledare, Systemanalytiker, Kvalitetsingenjörer, Tekniska programledare, kommunikationer, automatisera analys, systemkvalitet, förbättrad arkitektur, analys, design, utvecklingsprocess.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
This hands-on, 2-day advanced Photoshop course trains photographers and designers how to catalogue their work as well as how to enhance their photographs.
Advanced Photoshop training, Print and Photography, experienced users, Photoshop CC, photographers, designers, catalogue, enhance, instructor-led demonstration, hands-on practice, computers, Mac OS X, Windows skills, Photoshop Fundamentals, Introduction to Photoshop, basic skills, equivalent experience, Photshop, fotography, enhcnace, catalouge, instrutor-led, handsn-on, Mac OSX, Windwos skills, Photshop Fundamentls, Introduction to Photshop
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $795 -
This hands-on, 2-day advanced Photoshop course will enhance the knowledge of Photoshop professionals to work with web and video images more effectively.
Advanced Photoshop Training, Web and Video, experienced users, effectiveness, Photoshop, work, web, video images, instructor-led demonstration, hands-on practice, computers, basic Mac OS X, Windows skills, Photoshop Fundamentals, Introduction, recommended.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $795 -
Learning Tree
Master advanced Power App techniques with our in-depth training on Canvas Apps, Model Driven Apps & SharePoint List Forms. Online & in-person options available.
Advanced Power Apps Training, Power Platform, Canvas Apps, Model Driven Apps, SharePoint List Forms, Power Automate, Dataverse, Custom Controls, JSON, Online Training, In-Person Training, Course 1542, App Development, Power Apps Techniques, Adavnced Power Aps Training, Pwoer Platfrom, Cnavas Apps, Mdoel Drvien Apps, ShraePoint Lsit Forms, Pwoer Automate, Dtaverse, Cusotm Cotnrols, JSNO, Onilne Traniing, In-Pesron Traniing, Cours 1542, App Develpoment, Pwoer Aps Tehcniques
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Learning Tree
Learn advanced Power Automate skills with our training on business logic flows, Dataverse, custom connections & more. In-person & online options available.
Advanced Power Automate Development, Power Platform, SharePoint Lists, Canvas Apps, Model Driven Apps, Dataverse, custom data connections, flow actions, JSON, business logic flows, audience targeting, user permissions, Power Apps, Power BI, On-Premise Data Gateway, Learning Tree course 1542, Microsoft 365, Power Automate Training, Advancd Power Automate Developmnt, Power Platfrm, SharePont Lists, Canvs Apps, Model Drivn Apps, Dataverze, custom data conection, flow actionz, JASON, business logic floes, audience targetng, user permissins, Power Apss, Power B1, On-Premise Data Gteway, Learning Tree course 1532, Microsoft 356, Power Automte Training
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Attend this 2-day Advanced Premiere Pro CC Training for a thorough overview of the interface, tools, features, and production flow for using Premiere Pro.
Advanced Premiere Pro CC Training, course, interface, tools, features, production flow, nonlinear video-editing application, instructor-led demonstration, hands-on practice, editing functions, user interface, real-time video, audio editing tools, precise control, production, practical working knowledge, computers, basic Mac OS X, Windows skills, Introduction to Premiere Pro CC class, equivalent experience, Premiere Pro, video editing, audio editing, post-production, nonlinear editing, video production, video effects, video transitions, video timeline, video clips, audio tracks, color correction, video footage, video projects, video formats, video resolution, video export, video rendering, video editing software, video editing tools, video editing techniques, video editing tips, video editing tricks, video editing tutorial, video editing course, video editing training, video editing certification, video editing skills, video editing basics, video editing fundamentals, video editing workflow, video editing techniques, video editing tools, video editing features, video editing interface, video editing functions, video editing practice, video editing demonstration, video editing hands-on, video editing precision, video editing control, video editing production. Premier Pro, Premer Pro, PremierePro, PremerPro, Preimere Pro, PreimerePro, Preimier Pro, PreimierPro.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $795 -
Learning Tree
This advanced Python training course will expand your foundational Python programming skills to build reliable and stable applications.
Python training, advanced Python, Python programming, design patterns, best practices, object-oriented programming, concurrent threads, REST web services, GoF design patterns, reliable programs, stable applications, software design, Python applications, Python skills, foundational Python, programming skills, Python course, Python features, software design problems Pyton training advenced Python Pythion programming desing patterns bast practises object orientated programming concurrent threats RESTful web services Gang of 4 design patterns Gof design patterns programing skillPyhton course sotware design problems
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
In this Advanced SQL course, you learn how to write robust sql queries, test your queries & avoid common errors & pitfalls. Attend in-class or online.
WRITING ADVANCED SQL QUERIES, , WRITI, WRITING ADVANCED SQL QUERIEST, SQL, Structured Query Language, database, query, SELECT statement, robust queries, query method, application, test queries, errors, pitfalls, alternative solutions, efficient solution, advanced SQL, SQL course, relational database operations, hands-on, Sequel Esquele SQLle Structured Queary Language Data base Querie
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Take your Tableau skills to the next level with our Advanced Tableau course. Harness the full potential of data visualization and analysis.
Tableau training, Tableau course, advanced Tableau, Tableau Qualified Associate, Tableau certification, Tableau tutorial, Tableau workshop, Tableau learning, Tableau classes, Tableau education, Tableau skills, Tableau development, Tableau mastery, Tableau expertise, Tableau navigation, Tableau visualization, Tableau data analysis, Tableau dashboard, Tableau reporting, Tableau software, Tableau tools, Tableau platform, Tableau interface, Tableau features, Tableau functions, Tableau techniques, Tableau best practices, Tableau tips, Tableau tricks, Tableau hacks, Tableau shortcuts, Tableau basics, Tableau fundamentals, Tableau essentials, Tableau introduction, Tableau overview, Tableau demo, Tableau trial, Tableau free, Tableau online, Tableau virtual, Tableau remote, Tableau live, Tableau in-person, Tableau classroom, Tableau instructor-led, Tableau self-paced, Tableau on-demand, Tableau flexible, Tableau personalized, Tableau customized, Tableau tailored. Tabelau, Tabeleau, Tableu, Tabluea, Tablea, Tablau, Tabelu, Tabealu, Tableo, Tableou, Tableoua, Tableauu., Tableau, Advanced, Training, course, Introduction, knowledge, Qualified Associate, enhance, build, learned, level, , Tableo, Advansed, Traninig, cousre, Introdution, knowlege, Qualifed Assosiate, enahnce, bulid, leared, levl Tableau, Avancerad, Utbildning, kurs, Introduktion, kunskap, Kvalificerad Associate, förbättra, bygga, lärt, nivå, semantiskt relaterade navigeringsord, stavfel Tableo, Advansed, Traninig, cousre, Introdution, knowlege, Qualifed Assosiate, förbättra, bygga, lärt, nivå.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learn advanced Power BI visualization techniques, including report layouts, design patterns, and best practices for creating great reports and dashboards.
Power BI training, data visualization, reports, dashboards, advanced visualization, report layouts, agile process, design patterns, authoring reports, authoring dashboards, best practices, Power BI data visualizations, data visualization training, report design, dashboard design, Power BI expert, Power BI course, Power BI certification, Power BI seminar, Power BI workshop, Power BI classes, Power BI education, Power BI learning, Power BI tutorials, Power BI online training, Power BI offline training, Power BI professional development, Power BI skills, Power BI mastery, Power BI techniques, data analytics, data analysis, BI tools, business intelligence. Poeer BI Training Poweer BI Power B1 Reports and DashbaordDashbaoardVisualisatoin Best PractiseData Vizualization
Advanced1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
This Agile Adoption for Managers course provides Agile managers with the knowledge and skills to position themselves to increase Agile fluency in the teams.
Agile, adoption, managers, training, skills, knowledge, fluency, teams, cultural change, organizational change, customer value delivery, systems thinking, development, organization's culture, prerequisites, formal prerequisites, attend, course.
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
Learn practical Agile Test Automation techniques for high-coverage test code and quality software products.
Agile, Automation, Testing, ICP-ATA, Certification, software development, tester-developers, high-coverage test code, quality software products, Agile testing methods, business analysts, development teams, Acceptance Test-Driven Development, ATDD, Behavior-Driven Development, BDD, test automation, comprehensive test suite, unit tests, exploratory testing, testing methodologies, automated tests, agile teams, testing teams, agile testing methodologies, product value, latest testing methodologies. Agil, Automa, Tesing, ICP-AT, Cetification, software develpment, testerdevlopers, high coverag, tes coed, cualty software products, Agile testing methds, busness analysts, develpment teams, Acceptace Test-Driven Development, -ATDD, BehavioDriven Development, B-DD, test automatin, comprhensive tes suie, u nit tests, explaratry tesing, tesing methodologies, automted tests, agil teams, tesing teams, agil tesing methodologies, produc value, latest tesing methodologies.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
The ICP-ACC Certification training course teaches you to coach your team to achieve maximum benefit from your Agile transformation.
Agile, Coach, Training, ICP-ACC, Certification, ICAgile, Coaching, Mentor, Teams, Support, Transformation, Professional, Ice, Fundamentals, Remote, Webcam, Exam, Learning Tree, Track, Facilitation, Roadmap, Project Management, PMI, PDUs, Development Units, Options. Agyle Coahc Tranining IAGIle Mentro TEhmCertifcation Proffesional Ice-CAE FUndamnetalRmoate Exma Lernign Tree Trakc Faciliation Raodmap Project Management Institue Development UniteOptiosn
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Explore Agile basics with our On-Demand Training. Learn lean project management, eliminate waste, streamline processes, and understand XP practices.
on-demand, ondemand, Agile training, lean project management, lean methodology, product strategy, waste elimination, product management process, extreme programming, XP practices, feedback loops, product backlog items, continuous improvement, product vision, maximum impact Agile traning, lean project managment, product stratgy, wast elimination, product managment, extreem programming
FoundationOn-DemandStarts from $495 -
This Agile Fundamentals Training course teaches you the necessary knowledge to become an ICAgile Certified Professional (ICP).
Agile training, lean project management, lean methodology, product strategy, waste elimination, product management process, extreme programming, XP practices, feedback loops, product backlog items, continuous improvement, product vision, maximum impact Agile traning, lean project managment, product stratgy, wast elimination, product managment, extreem programming
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Learning Tree
Develop effective Agile leadership skills to drive innovation & empower teams. Unlock your leadership potential with our comprehensive Agile Leadership Training.
Agile, Leadership, Training, articulate, vision, organization, business, value, innovative, career, advancement, results, knowledge, rapid, change, agility, framework, aspirations, advance, goals, agil, lideriship, traning, organzation, busniss, valu, carrer, avancement, resluts, knowladge, rapid change, agillity, fraimwork, aspiration, advancment, gols
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
This Agile Product Owner Training course teaches how to build the right products, for the right customers, at the right time while reducing waste.
Agile, Product Ownership, Training, ICP-APO, Certification, Business Analyst, Value, Environment, Right Products, Right Customers, Right Time, Waste, Knowledge, Experience, Agile Fundamentals, ICAgile Certification, Options, Agile, Product Ownership, Training, ICP-APO, Certification, Business Analyst, Environment, Value, Organisation, Customers, Waste, Knowledge, Experience, Agile Fundamentals, ICAgile Certification Training, Mis-spellings Agil, Prodcut, Owernship, Traning, ICP-AOP, Certfication, Busniess Analyst, Environemnt, Valu, Organiztion, Cusotmers, Wast, Knowlege, Experiance, Agil Fundamentals, ICAgil Certifcation Traning. Agil, Produktägarskap, Utbildning, ICP-APO, Certifiering, Affärsanalytiker, Miljö, Värde, Organisation, Kund, Slöseri, Kunskap, Erfarenhet, Agila grundläggande principer, ICAgile-certifieringsutbildning, Felskrivningar Agil, Prodcut, Owernship, Traning, ICP-AOP, Certfication, Busniess Analyst, Environemnt, Valu, Organiztion, Cusotmers, Wast, Knowlege, Experiance, Agil grundläggande principer, ICAgil-certifieringsutbildning.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,795 -
Master Agile project management with our 2-day ICP-APM certification course. Enhance your skills and boost your career!
Agile project management, ICP-APM certification, skills, techniques, mindset, manage projects, collaborate, stakeholders, self-organizing teams, adjusting, refining, efficiency, effectiveness, instructor-led training, real-world challenges, overcome issues, real-world examples. Agile projet management Agle project management ICP APM certification manage projetself-organising teamreal-word examples
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,795 -
Learning Tree
Master Agile project management with Atlassian Jira training. Streamline collaboration, enhance productivity, and deliver projects successfully.
Agile, project management, Jira, training, configuration, reporting, real-time, requirements, incrementally, capture, organization, impediments, Ajile, projct management, Jera, trraining, confguration, reportting, real time, requirments, incremantally, orginization, impdiments.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,915 -
Learning Tree
Enhance your Agile software development expertise with TFS training. Streamline collaboration, improve productivity, and deliver exceptional results.
DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, Agile software development, Azure DevOps, manage software project, features, backlog items, tasks, bugs, source code, TFVC, Git, monitor progress, backlogs, Kanban boards, burn-downs, automating testing, deployment, continuous integration, Agile software developement, Azur DevOps, manag software projct, featueres, backog items, takss, buugs, source cod, TFVC, gitt, monito progress, backloogs, Kanban board, burn-downs, automating testng, depolyment, continuos integratino
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
This Agile Team Facilitation Training course teaches you how to plan, organize, and run collaborative workshops. Plus, earn ICAgile ICP-ATF Certification.
Agile, Team Facilitation, Training, Workshop, Collaboration, Planning, Organization, Effectiveness, Pitfalls, Role, Capability, Certification, ICP-ATF, International Consortium for Agile, Post-course exam, Agile Coaching, Agile Fundamentals, Remote participation, Webcam, Learning Tree Exam, ICAgile Coaching Track, ICE-AC, Certification & Training Roadmap, Project Management Institute, PMI, PDUs, Professional Development Units. -Agille, Agil, Agle, Agele -Team Facilitaion, Facilatation, Facilatation -Trianing, Tranining, Trainning -Workshopp, Workshops -Collaberative -Planing, Plannig -Oganization, Orgnization, Oraganization -Effectivness, Effectivnes, Effictivenes-Pitfals, Pitfall -Capablity, Capaiblity -Certfication, Certifcation, Certifiaction, Cetification -ICP-ATF, ICP-ATA -Intenational, Interational, Internationl -Post-Course exam, Post-Course Exam-Agile Coachig -Agile Fundemental-Web cam, webcam-Learning Tree Examination -ICEAC, ICE-AC -PMI Code, PMI Accreditation, PDU -Training & Certifcation, Certification & Training -IC Agile, ICAgile, IC Agile Certification
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,795 -
The Agile Testing training qualifies for the ICAgile Certified Professional in Agile Testing (ICP-TST), and prepares attendees for the ISTQB Agile Tester Exam.
software testing, agile testing, testing methodologies, user acceptance testing, UAT, development team, testing team, refactoring techniques, continuous integration framework, production environment, business requirements, testing process, effective testing practices, software performance, software design, , spelling variations, navigational terms, navigation s, navigation terms
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,915 -
APMG International
Master AgileBA exam skills, Agile techniques, and enhance business analysis for effective project alignment in this 5-day training.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,350 -
APMG International
Gain the APMG AgilePM Foundation and Practitioner certifications. Master Agile project management and drive successful outcomes. Enroll in our comprehensive course today.
Agile PM, Agile project management, APMG, certification training, Practitioner, Foundation, methodology, solutions, incremental development, changing requirements, team collaboration, individual empowerment, exams, pass marks, techniques, ideas, explore, discuss, morning exam, afternoon exam, AgilePM® with registered trademark symbol , APMG-certified hyphenated , Practicioner , Foundation
Intermediate5 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Master AI in cybersecurity attack and defense. Dive into AI's role in cybersecurity. Boost your skills now!
nist ai risk management framework, security information and event management, natural language processing course, team training, cyber security, machine learning, learning tree, federated learning, risk assessment and management, security automation, security teams, artificial intelligence ai, wide range, security information and event, information and event management, open source, training data, machine learning algorithms, sensitive data, volumes of data, security solutions, driving cars, data breach, deep neural networks, cyber threats, threat hunting, log data, training models, large scale, mobile devices, AI cybersecurity, attack, defend, training, course, AI cybersäkerhet, attack, försvar, utbildning, kurs
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Gain foundational AI knowledge and practical skills for government operations in this 1-day hands-on course.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
In this AI Skills for Business Professionals course, you will craft prompts and employ the many extra AI components now available on desktops/laptops such as plugins, APIs, visualizations.
Advanced Prompt Engineering, Business Users, Artificial Intelligence, Craft Prompts, AI Components, Desktops, Laptops, Plugins, APIs, Visualizations, Corporate Files, Business Insight, In-Person, Online, Large Language Models, Chain-of-Thought, Perspective Prompting, Reverse Prompting, Hands-On Experience, API Integrations, Spreadsheets, File Uploads, Dynamic Data, Business Applications, Marketing, Competitor Analysis, Recruitment, Training Prerequisites, ChatGPT, Claude, Bing, Bard, Training Outline, Day 1, Module 1, GPT-4, Architecture, Training Data, Model Size, NLP Tasks, Prompt Length, Complexity, Long-Form Content, Reasoning Tasks, Module 2, Leveraging Plugins, World News, Zapier, Extension Manager, Keyword Highlighting, Examples, Formatting, Code Generation, Spreadsheet Functions, Module 3, Uploading Files, PDFs, Word Docs, Optimal Formatting, Highlighting, Limitations, Multi-File Prompts, Summaries, Citations, Day 2, Module 4, Generating Visualizations, Graphs, Charts, Diagrams, Visualization Design, Data Format, Level of Detail, Axis Labels, Legends, Colours, Dashboards, Module 5, API Integration, Python Libraries, Anthropic's Claude API, Environment, Authentication, API Calls, Google Sheets, Passing Inputs, Processing Outputs, End-to-End Workflows, Module 6, Advanced Exercises, Business Cases, Market Analysis, HR Screening, Progressive Prompts, Iteration, Peer Feedback, Clarity, Effectiveness, Completeness, Advaned Prompt Enginering, Buisness Users, Artifical Inteligence, Craft Promtps, AI Compnents, Dsktops, Labtops, Plug-ins, API's, Visulizations, Corprate Files, Buisness Insight, In-Peson, On-line, Larg Language Models, Chian-of-Thought, Prespective Prompting, Reverese Prompting, HandsOn Experiance, API Integartions, Spredsheets, File Uplaods, Dyanmic Data, Buisness Applications, Markting, Competetor Analysis, Recuitment, Trainig Prerequisites, ChatGTP, Cloude, Bin, Brad, Traning Outline, Da 1, Modul 1, GPT4, Archetecture, Traning Data, Model Siz, NLP Taks, Promt Length, Complexty, LongForm Content, Resoning Tasks, Moduel 2, Leveragin Plugins, Wolrd News, Zapeir, Extention Manager, Keyword Highligting, Exampls, Formating, Code Genration, Spredsheet Functions, Moduel 3, Uploaing Files, PDF's, Wrod Docs, Optiaml Formatting, Highliting, Limitatons, MultiFile Prompts, Sumaris, Citatons, Da 2, Moduel 4, Genrating Visualizations, Graps, Chats, Diagarms, Visulaization Design, Data Formt, Levl of Detail, Axis Lables, Ledgens, Colurs, Dashbords, Moduel 5, API Integrtion, Phton Libraries, Anthropic's Cloude API, Enviroment, Authntication, API Cals, Gogle Sheets, Passing Imputs, Procssing Outputs, End-toEnd Workflows, Moduel 6, Advanced Excersises, Buisness Cases, Market Anlysis, HR Screning, Progressive Promtps, Itration, Peer Feddback, Clariti, Efectiveness, Complteness, Avancerad Prompt-teknik, Affärsanvändare, Artificiell Intelligens, Skapa Prompts, AI-komponenter, Skrivbord, Bärbara datorer, Plugins, API:er, Visualiseringar, Företagsfiler, Affärsinsikt, Ansikte mot ansikte, Online, Stora Språkmodeller, Tankekedja, Perspektivpromptning, Omvänd Promptning, Praktisk Erfarenhet, API-integrationer, Kalkylblad, Filuppladdningar, Dynamisk Data, Affärsapplikationer, Marknadsföring, Konkurrentanalys, Rekrytering, Utbildningsförutsättningar, ChatGPT, Claude, Bing, Bard, Utbildningsöversikt, Dag 1, Modul 1, GPT-4, Arkitektur, Träningsdata, Modellstorlek, NLP-uppgifter, Promptlängd, Komplexitet, Långformigt Innehåll, Resoneringsuppgifter, Modul 2, Utnyttja Plugins, Världsnyheter, Zapier, Tilläggschef, Nyckelordmarkering, Exempel, Formatering, Kodgenerering, Kalkylbladsfunktioner, Modul 3, Ladda upp Filer, PDF:er, Word-dokument, Optimal Formatering, Markering, Begränsningar, Multi-Filprompts, Sammanfattningar, Citat, Dag 2, Modul 4, Generera Visualiseringar, Grafer, Diagram, Scheman, Visualiseringsdesign, Dataformat, Detaljnivå, Axel-etiketter, Legender, Färger, Instrumentpaneler, Modul 5, API-integration, Python-bibliotek, Anthropics Claude API, Miljö, Autentisering, API-anrop, Google Sheets, Skicka Indata, Bearbeta Utdata, Ändpunkt-till-ändpunkt Arbetsflöden, Modul 6, Avancerade Övningar, Affärsfall, Marknadsanalys, HR-screening, Progressiva Prompts, Iteration, Kollegial Återkoppling, Tydlighet, Effektivitet, Fullständighet
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,195 -
Learning Tree
Boost productivity with AI-driven Python programming tools. Learn code generation, debugging, and optimization in this hands-on course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
DevOps Institute
Gain expertise with the AIOps Foundation (AIOF) Certification Course, mastering AI, machine learning in IT ops, and transforming digital landscapes.
AIOps Foundation, AIOps Certification, AIOps Course, Machine Learning, Big Data, AI in IT Operations, Digital Transformation, DevOps, Site Reliability, AIOps and MLOps, IT Operations Analytics, AIOps System Stages, AIOps Adoption, Data Complexity, System State Understanding, Big Data Characteristics, Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning, Operational Metrics, Proactive Operations, Probabilistic Methods, AIOps Impact, DORA Metrics, AIOps Implementation, Machine Learning Ethics, Data Regulation Standards, Privacy in AI, AIOps history, big data analytics, machine learning algorithms, IT operational landscape, artificial intelligence, machine learning models, AIOps vs MLOps, AIOps benefits, AIOps integration challenges, AIOps exercises, AIOps certification exam, IT terminology, DevOps Institute certification, PeopleCert Exam Voucher, Take2 exam re-sit, instructor coaching, AIOps vs IT Operations Analytics, AIOps core technologies, AIOps system stages, AIOps and DevOps, site reliability, big data sources, supervised vs unsupervised learning, machine learning training, performance metrics, MTTD, MTBF, MTTA, MTTR, service level agreements, reactive vs proactive operations, AIOps organizational impact, AIOps and DORA metrics, machine learning bias, data privacy, AIOps Foundation, AIOps-certifiering, AIOps-kurs, Maskininlärning, Stordata, AI i IT-drift, Digital omvandling, DevOps, Webbplatspålitlighet, AIOps och MLOps, IT-driftsanalys, AIOps-systemstadier, AIOps-anpassning, Datakomplexitet, Förståelse av systemtillstånd, Stordataegenskaper, Övervakat lärande, Oövervakat lärande, Operationella mätvärden, Proaktiva operationer, Sannolikhetsmetoder, AIOps-påverkan, DORA-mätvärden, Implementering av AIOps, Etik inom maskininlärning, Standarder för datalagstiftning, Integritet inom AI, AIOps-historia, analys av stordata, algoritmer för maskininlärning, IT-operationell landskap, artificiell intelligens, modeller för maskininlärning, AIOps vs MLOps, Fördelar med AIOps, Utmaningar i integration av AIOps, Övningar i AIOps, Examen för AIOps-certifiering, IT-terminologi, Certifiering från DevOps-institutet, PeopleCert-examensvoucher, Omprov för Take2-examen, Instruktörscoaching, AIOps vs IT-driftsanalys, Kärnteknologier för AIOps, Systemstadier för AIOps, AIOps och DevOps, Webbplatspålitlighet, Källor till stordata, Övervakat vs oövervakat lärande, Utbildning i maskininlärning, Prestandamätvärden, MTTD, MTBF, MTTA, MTTR, Avtal om servicenivåer, Reaktiva vs proaktiva operationer, Organisatorisk påverkan av AIOps, AIOps och DORA-mätvärden, Fördomar inom maskininlärning, Datasekretess
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,195 -
Learn to use Amazon SageMaker Studio for machine learning (ML) model prep, build, train, deploy, and monitoring in this training.
Amazon SageMaker Studio, SageMaker, data scientists, machine learning, ML models, prepare, build, train, deploy, monitor, productivity, lifecycle, training, tools, capabilities, AI, artificial intelligence, deep learning, neural networks, algorithms, datasets, model evaluation, hyperparameter tuning, Amazon Sagemaker Studio, Sagemaker, datascientists, machinelearning, machine learning models
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Attend this Introduction to Adobe Illustrator training for a thorough overview of the interface, tools, features & tips & tricks of Illustrator CC.
Adobe, Illustrator CC, design tool, print, web, medium, interface, tools, features, key techniques, tips, tricks, instructor-led demonstration, hands-on practice, certified instructors, visual effects, workflow, computers, Mac OS X, Windows, Photoshop Fundamentals, equivalent experience
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,195 -
Attend this Introduction to Photoshop training course for a thorough overview of the interface, tools, features, tricks & tips for using Adobe Photoshop CC.
Photoshop tutorial, beginner Photoshop course, Adobe Photoshop intro class, Photoshop CC training, Photoshop basics, Photoshop tricks and tips, Photoshop for beginners, Photoshop interface overview, Photoshop hands-on practice, Photoshop demo, Photoshop features, Photoshop tools, Photoshop techniques, Photoshop instruction, Photoshop workshop Photoshp, Photshop, Fotohsop, Fhotoshop
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,195 -
Learn WordPress in just 2 days - designed for web designers to implement and maintain a WordPress site.
WordPress, website creation, website maintenance, web designing, web development, website troubleshooting, website configuration, website installation, Windows OS, Mac OS X, basic web knowledge, lectures, hands-on exercises, real-world experience, web design tools, practical experience, website management, website creation tools, website setup, website building. Wordpress, webdesigning, webdevelopement, website configration, website instalation, website trubleshooting, hands-on excercises, pratical experience, webmanagment.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,195 -
Master data analysis in Looker. Learn to explore, visualize, and share insights with ease.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
Gain hands-on expertise in Apache Kafka with our comprehensive training. Learn to build scalable, real-time data streaming applications.
Apache Kafka, hands-on training, command line, programmatic access, Java, publish/subscribe, asynchronous communication, producers, consumers, reliable data delivery, data pipelines, streaming data, event streaming platform, real-time, event sources, databases, sensors, mobile devices, cloud services, social media, software applications, streams of events, durable storage, manipulation, processing, reaction, destination technologies, continuous flow, interpretation, Java SE, Python, skills, fast data, Learning Tree Exam, developer Kafka broker, configuring, process streaming data, Apachi Kafka, Kafca, Kaffka, Apach Kafka, Apache Kafka, hands-on training, command line, programmatic access, Java, publish/subscribe, asynchronous communication, producers, consumers, reliable data delivery, data pipelines, streaming data, event streaming platform, real-time data, event sources, databases, sensors, mobile devices, cloud services, social media, software applications, event streams, durable storage, manipulation, processing, reaction, destination technologies, continuous flow, interpretation, Java SE, Python, skills, fast data, Learning Tree Exam, developer Kafka broker, Kafka producer, Kafka consumer, configuring, process streaming data. Apachi Kafka handson training programatic accespublish/subscribe idiom reliable data deliver data pipe lineevent streming platform real time data event sorcedurable storage destination tecnologiecontinous flow intepretation Jave SE pyton fast streaming data Learning Tree exam Kafka broker Kafka produser Kafka consummer streaming data processing Apache Kafka, praktisk träning, kommandorad, programmatisk åtkomst, Java, publicera/prenumerera, asynkron kommunikation, producenter, konsumenter, tillförlitlig dataleverans, datapipelines, strömmande data, händelseströmningsplattform, realtidsdata, händelsekällor, databaser, sensorer, mobila enheter, molntjänster, sociala medier, programvaruapplikationer, händelseströmmar, hållbar lagring, manipulation, bearbetning, reaktion, destinations-teknologier, kontinuerlig flöde, tolkning, Java SE, Python, färdigheter, snabb data, Learning Tree Exam, utvecklare Kafka-mäklare, Kafka-producent, Kafka-konsument, konfigurering, processströmmande data. Apachi Kafka handson-träning programmatisk åtkomst publicera/prenumerera-idiom tillförlitlig datalämnad datapipelines händelseströmmande plattform realtidsdata händelsekällor hållbar lagring destinations-teknologier kontinuerligt flöde tolkning Jave SE pyton snabb strömmande data Learning Tree-examen Kafka-mäklare Kafka-producent Kafka-konsument bearbetning av strömmande data.
Foundation2 daysTeam Training -
APMG International
Join our 3-day APMG Agile Programme Management (PgM) Certification course to master agile practices and enhance your project management skills.
Intermediate3 daysTeam Training -
Learn to integrate large language models into applications using Google Cloud's tools and APIs in this hands-on course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
Learn AI applications in government with hands-on labs. Enhance efficiency and decision-making in federal agencies.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Attend this hands-on Jupyter Notebooks & Python course & learn Anaconda distribution libraries, explore machine learning models with real datasets & more.
Applied Data Science, Python, Jupyter, Anaconda, machine learning, datasets, data processing, pipelines, visualizations, prediction models, skills, real world, professions, industries, open source, Notebooks, programming fundamentals, experience, libraries, Pandas, Matplotlib, scikit-learn. Apliced, DatA syenc, Jupitar, Anacodna, machin larning, data sets, visulizations, programing, Pandes, Maplotlib, scikit, sklearn.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
This hands-on Applied Leadership course is based on lecture, class discussion, and realistic case studies.
leadership training, applied leadership, traditional projects, agile projects, lecture, case studies, followers, vision, model, change, project portfolios, emotional intelligence, influencing, mistakes, decision making, negotiation, capstone exercise, team exercise, project management experience, agile environment, communication skills, Learning Tree examliderhship training, appled leadership, tradicional projects, agaile projects, lectur, case studdies, follwers, vison, modl, chage, projet portofolios, emocional intelligence, influincing, mistaeks, decicion making, nigoatiation, captsone exersice, team exersize, project managment experiance, agil envirnment, comunication skills, Lerning Tree exam
Intermediate3 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Master MITRE ATT&CK Framework: Learn to map threats, apply real-world scenarios, and boost cyber defenses. Essential for security pros.
MITRE ATT&CK Framework, cybersecurity training, online course, foundation of MITRE ATT&CK, matrices, tactics, techniques, data sources, mitigations, cyber threat intelligence, defensive strategies, SolarWinds attack, threat intelligence mapping, adversary behaviors, ATT&CK Navigator, supply chain attacks, threat indicators, MITRE CAR, MITRE D3FEND, defensive recommendations, prioritizing techniques, security applications, cyber attacks, real-world case studies, cybersecurity concepts, online learning, MITRE ATT&CK Framework, cybersäkerhetsträning, onlinekurs, grundläggande MITRE ATT&CK, matriser, taktiker, tekniker, datakällor, mildringar, cyberhotunderrättelse, defensiva strategier, SolarWinds-attack, kartläggning av hotunderrättelse, fiendebeteenden, ATT&CK Navigator, leverantörskedjeattacker, hotindikatorer, MITRE CAR, MITRE D3FEND, defensiva rekommendationer, prioritering av tekniker, säkerhetstillämpningar, cyberattacker, fallstudier i verkligheten, cybersäkerhetsbegrepp, e-lärande, MITER ATT&K Framewurk, cybersicurity trainin, onlien corse, foundashun of MITER ATT&K, matrises, tactiks, tekniques, data sorses, mitigashuns, cybr thret intelligens, defensiv strategis, SolarWinds atack, thret inteligence maping, adversery behavirs, ATT&K Navigater, supply chane atacks, thret indicaters, MITER CAR, MITER D3FND, defensiv recomendations, prioritizing tecniques, securty aplications, cyber ataks, real-wurld case studis, cybersicurity concepts, onlien lerning
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Architecting on AWS covers the fundamentals of building an IT infrastructure on AWS & preps you for the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam.
AWS services, cloud-based solutions, AWS Cloud, AWS best practices, recommended design patterns, IT infrastructure, solutions architects, optimize, official exam, AWS Certified Solutions Architect, case studies, strategies, implemented services, customers, fundamentals, building infrastructure, information technology, architecting on AWS AWs, cloudbased, cloud best practises, AWS certfied, soltuions architect
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learn to design, develop, and manage scalable, secure solutions on Google Cloud with hands-on labs and expert guidance.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Master Google Cloud's Compute Engine with hands-on labs and expert guidance. Enhance your cloud architecture skills in just 3 days!
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learn to deploy and manage containerized apps on Google Kubernetes Engine with hands-on labs and expert guidance. Perfect for cloud architects and DevOps.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Learning Tree
Learn how to apply Generative AI models in PM scenarios with AI for Project Managers On-Demand. Explore Open AI’s ChatGPT, Google’s Gemini, and Microsoft’s Copilot.
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandStarts from $199 -
Learning Tree
Become a proficient ASP.NET Core MVC developer with our comprehensive training. Master the skills to build robust web applications.
core7, core 7, ASP.NET, MVC, Core, Core 5, microservices, modern applications, multiple devices, platforms, Web Services, Active Server Pages, Network Enabled Technologies, Model, View, Controller, .NET, training, developers, learning, deployment, technologies ASP.NET ASPNET, ASP .NET MVC MCV, MCVC Core Kor, Coar, Koor, kore Microservices Microservices, Micro services, micro-services Web Services Web Services, web-services, webservices .NET dot net, dotnet, ASP.NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, Core 5, microservice design, multiple devices, multiple platforms, Web Services, ASP.NET Coree, .NET Kore, ASP.NET MCV, Core5, microservise design, Web Servises ASP.NET, .NET Core, ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC, Core 5, mikrotjänst-design, flera enheter, flera plattformar, webbtjänster, stavfel ASP.NET Coree, .NET Kore, ASP.NET MCV, Core5, mikrotjänst-design, webbtjänster.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Enhance your assertiveness skills and communicate with authority and impact. Gain confidence, influence, and effective communication techniques.
Assertive communication training, assertiveness training, communication skills training, effective communication training, workplace communication training, interpersonal communication training, communication workshop, assertiveness course, assertiveness classes, communication coaching, self-awareness training, behavior pattern training, relationship building, workplace productivity training, conflict resolution training, workplace etiquette training, communication improvement, assertive tone training, communication impact training, communication authority training assertive communication traning, assertivness training, comunication skill training, effectiv communication training, assertvness course, communicaton coaching, self awarness training, behaviour pattern training, work place communication training, assertive training, communcation impact training, assertiveness traning, assesrtive communication skills training.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree's AZ-040 Powershell training teaches attendees how to use Windows PowerShell to administer and automate Windows server administration.
az040, AZ-040, AZ040, AZ 040, 8659AZ-040, PowerShell, Microsoft PowerShell, Windows PowerShell, administer, automate, Windows server administration, build commands, perform specific tasks, automate repetitive tasks, script, generate reports, manage, Microsoft 365 services, Power Shell, MicroSoft Power Shell, Windows Power Shell
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,350 -
Learning Tree
Unlock the full potential of Excel with our Automating Excel with Macros training. Learn to automate tasks, boost productivity, and save time.
Excel Macro training, macros, automate Excel tasks, troubleshoot code errors, log data changes, web code implementation, user interface design, Microsoft Excel Introduction, Power Excel Analyzing Data, Excel 97, Excel 2016, automatting excel, macro course, automate excel using macros, excal macros, troubleshoot macros, web code importing, user interface automation, automate excel data, microsoft excel macro training, excel automated tasks, excel automation tutorial, power excel for business, excel version compatibility.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
This AWS Business Essentials course helps IT decision–makers understand the benefits of cloud computing & how a cloud strategy can help your business.
AWS, Amazon Web Services, cloud computing, cloud strategy, IT, business objectives, financial benefits, compliance, security, cloud computing strategy, AWW, Amozan Web Services, cloude computing, clound strategy, busniess objectives, finacial benefits, complience, secuity, cloude computing strategy.
FoundationLess than a dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
The AWS Cloud Practitioner Essentials course focuses on overall understanding of the AWS Cloud & helps you prepare for the Practitioner exam.
AWS, Amazon Web Services, cloud, cloud computing, cloud concepts, cloud services, cloud security, cloud architecture, cloud pricing, cloud support, AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner, certification, exam, training, course, online course, e-learning, virtual training, AWS essentials, AWS fundamentals, AWS basics, AWS overview, AWS introduction, AWS training, AWS certification, AWS Cloud Practitioner, AWS Cloud Practitioner exam, AWS Cloud Practitioner certification, AWS Cloud Practitioner training, AWS Cloud Practitioner course, AWS Cloud Practitioner essentials, AWS Cloud Practitioner fundamentals, AWS Cloud Practitioner basics, AWS Cloud Practitioner overview, AWS Cloud Practitioner introduction, AWS Cloud Practitioner certification exam, AWS Cloud Practitioner virtual training, AWS Cloud Practitioner e-learning, AWS Cloud Practitioner online course, AWS Cloud Practitioner preparation, AWS Cloud Practitioner knowledge, AWS Cloud Practitioner skills, AWS Cloud Practitioner understanding, AWS Cloud Practitioner concepts, AWS Cloud Practitioner services, AWS Cloud Practitioner security, AWS Cloud Practitioner architecture, AWS Cloud Practitioner pricing, AWS Cloud Practitioner support, AWS Cloud Practitioner mispelling, AWS mispelling, Amazon Web Services mispelling
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
This AWS Technical Essentials course introduces you to AWS products, services, & common solutions to help you make decisions & get started working on AWS.
AWS, Amazon Web Services, products, services, solutions, fundamentals, proficient, identifying, informed decisions, IT solutions, business requirements, working on AWS, solutions, AWS, Amazone Web Services, solutons, fundmentals, decisons, IT solutins, busness requiremnts
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
Design and implement data integration solutions with Azure Data Factory. Master the skills to efficiently manage and transform data.
Azure Data Factory, ADF v2, data integration, data movement, data transformation, control-flow activities, reuse options, operational best-practices, ADF security, Azure services, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2, Azure SQL Database, Azure Databricks, Azure Key Vault, Azure Functions, hands-on labs, instructor-led labs, real-world projects, architects, developers, administrators, IT managers, UI-based, automated, multi-tiered, Azure Data Factry, ADF, data integraton, data movment, data transfomation, control flow, re-use options, operation best practices, ADF secuirty, Azure servies, Azure Data Lake Storage Gen 2, Azure SQL Databse, Azure Databicks, Azure Key Vault, Azure Funtions, hands on labs, instructor led labs, real world projects, arhitects, develpers, adminstrators, IT managrs, UI based, automatd, multi tiered.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
APMG International
The BCS Foundation Certificate in AI assesses understanding of AI terminology, principles, and ethical challenges.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
In this Blazor course, you will learn how to use Blazor and C# to create interactive single-page and multi-page applications without JavaScript.
Blazor, C#, interactive, single-page, multi-page, applications, JavaScript, .NET framework, client-side, server-side, logic, HTML5 APIs, geolocation, local storage, extend, existing, pages, JavaScript pages, Blazr, C#, interactiv, singlepage, multipage, appplications, Javascipt, .NET framwork, clientside, serverside, logik, HTML5 API, geolocatin, locl storage, extnd, exisiting, pges, Javascrip pages.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
This 1-day Blockchain overview answers the questions every businessperson should ask including what is Blockchain, what are its benefits and how to get started.
Blockchain, technology, overview, benefits, use cases, adoption, implementation, costs, future, business professionals, non-technical, plain simple English, jargon-free, apps, Block chain, blokchain, blok chain, techology, benfits, usecases, adption, impementation, cost, futur
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $399 -
Attend this 2-day BusinessObjects Web Intelligence course & learn to use SAP BusinessObjects BI launch pad & Web Intelligence to access, analyze & share data.
SAP BusinessObjects, Web Intelligence, BI launch pad, report design, data analysis, query building, universe, document enhancement, document organization, document management, document distribution, SAP BO, BO Web Intelligence, BI reporting, data visualization, data sharing, data retrieval, document creation, data analysis tool, query creation, universe design, report sharing, web intelligence report, business intelligence tool, dashboard creation, data presentation, data exploration, report distribution, report management, data exploration tool, SAP BO training, SAP BI training SAP Business Objects, Web intellegence, BI launchpad, report designing, data analyses, building queries, BO universes, document organizing, document sharing, data visualisation, data presents, BO training, BI trainning.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,840 -
Attend this 2-day BusinessObjects Web Intelligence Report Design II course & learn to create complex documents using advanced query & reporting techniques.
SAP BusinessObjects, Web Intelligence, Report Design, advanced query, reporting techniques, combined queries, sub-queries, character functions, date string functions, variables, calculation contexts, hyperlinks, BOW310, BOW320, business objects, web intellegence, report desing
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,840 -
Our Azure AI Services (AI-3003) training course equips you to build, deploy, and manage intelligent solutions using Microsoft's powerful cloud platform.
applied skills, applied, skills, Azure AI Services, Azure AI Language, C#, Python, natural language processing, text analysis, question answering, conversational language understanding, speech understanding, Azure portal, JSON, REST, language detection, key phrases extraction, sentiment analysis, entities extraction, linked entities extraction, knowledge base, multi-turn conversation, conversational models, intents, utterances, entities, text classification, named entity recognition, Azure AI Translator, language translation, transliteration, speech-to-text API, text-to-speech API, speech synthesis, speech translation, Azure AI-tjänster, Azure AI Language, C#, Python, bearbetning av naturligt språk, textanalys, frågebesvarande, förståelse av konversationsspråk, taluppfattning, Azure-portalen, JSON, REST, språkdetektering, extraktion av nyckelfraser, sentimentanalys, entitetsextraktion, länkad entitetsextraktion, kunskapsbas, flerstegskonversation, konversationsmodeller, avsikter, yttranden, entiteter, textklassificering, igenkänning av namngivna entiteter, Azure AI Translator, språköversättning, translitteration, tal-till-text-API, text-till-tal-API, talsyntes, talöversättning
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learn to build AI-powered apps with Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Integrate AI, ML, and more in this hands-on, 1-day intermediate course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Harness the power of AI with Azure AI services AI-3004 training. This comprehensive course equips you to design, develop, and deploy intelligent applications using Microsoft's cutting-edge AI services.
applied skills, applied, skills, Azure AI Vision, Azure AI Services, AI-3004, software developers, C#, Python, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Private Team Training, Training Information, image analysis, custom vision models, classification, object detection, optical character recognition (OCR), insights from video, Training Prerequisites, Microsoft Azure, Azure portal, JSON, REST, Training Outline, Analyze images, custom Azure AI Vision models, face detection, face analysis, facial recognition, Read Text, Azure Video Indexer, Video Analyzer, Azure AI Vision, Azure AI Services, AI-3004, mjukvaruutvecklare, C#, Python, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Privat teamutbildning, Utbildningsinformation, bildanalys, anpassade visionsmodeller, klassificering, objektdetektering, optisk teckenigenkänning (OCR), insikter från video, Förkunskapskrav, Microsoft Azure, Azure-portalen, JSON, REST, Utbildningsöversikt, Analysera bilder, anpassade Azure AI Vision-modeller, ansiktsdetektering, ansiktsanalys, ansiktsigenkänning, Läsa text, Azure Video Indexer, Videoanalyserare
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Master customer journey design with MKT101. Learn how to create personalized journeys for your customers to improve engagement & ROI.
Sales Force training, email marketers, marketing campaigns, customer journeys, target audience, Marketing Cloud, email newsletters, email lists, email marketing strategies, customer personas, touchpoints, brand, personalized journeys, mobile device, desktop, email templates, white space, customer engagement, key customer touchpoints, customer interactions, data-driven decisions, Marketing Cloud specialist. Sails force emaill marketers custmer journey Markeeting Cloud email newletters touchponts Marketting Cloud specialist
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,000 -
Learn to build connectors and plugins for Microsoft Copilot in this 1-day hands-on course. Ideal for beginners. No coding experience required.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
In this business case course, you learn how to analyze, create & communicate a successful business case to meet your organization's unique needs.
Business case, creating a business case, analyzing a business case, communicating a business case, success, approval, desired outcomes, evaluation criteria, costs, benefits, decision-making, effective business case, business case training, maximize chance for approval, comprehensive business case, maximize approval chances, bisness case, businness case, business cese
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,675 -
Learning Tree
This Project Management Office (PMO) training course will teach you to improve project consistency, efficiency & effectiveness in a multi-project environment.
Project Management Office, PMO, training course, skills, competencies, structure, analyze, portfolio, project success, governance model, lessons learned, standardize, methodologies, processes, templates, centralization, standardization, project oversight, organization, alignment, portfolio management, maturity, continuous improvement, proejct mnagmeent, offcie, standadization, methdologies, proceses.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
This ASP.NET Web Forms course provides you with the knowledge and skills needed to build dynamic web applications with ASP.NET 4.5 and Visual Studio 2013.
ASP.NET, Web Forms, Visual Studio, dynamic web applications, rapid application development, n-tier web applications, databases, user interfaces, data-binding, model-binding, data-source controls, ASPNET, webforms, MS Visual Studio, dynamic websites, application development, .NET development, web development, database connectivity, UI design, MVC.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-class -
Learn to build batch data analytics solutions on AWS using Amazon EMR, an enterprise-grade Apache Spark and Hadoop managed service.
Amazon EMR, data analytics, batch processing, Apache Spark, Apache Hadoop, open-source projects, Apache Hive, Hue, HBase, AWS Glue, AWS Lake Formation, data collection, data ingestion, data cataloging, data storage, data processing, EMR Notebooks, analytics, machine learning, security, performance, cost management, Amazone EMR, Amazon EM, data analitics, batch process, Apache Sparky, Apache Hadop, Apache Hibe, Hueue, HBase, AWS Glu, AWS Lake Formations, EMR Notebook, analitics, machine leanring.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learn to build an AWS data lake for structured and unstructured data analysis in this course.
AWS, data lake, operational data, structured data, unstructured data, components, functionality, services, Lake Formation, data catalog, Glue, Amazon Athena, analysis, lectures, labs, architectures, dataleke, aw, awas, athena, glow, lakeformation
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
Master Tableau dashboards in just 1 day with our intermediate course, and unlock the secrets to impactful data visualization and reporting.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
In this MongoDB course, you'll learn to develop highly scalable & cost efficient applications & build MongoDB data models for enterprise-scale applications.
MongoDB training, document-oriented databases, scalable applications, develop MongoDB applications, administer MongoDB, secure MongoDB, scale MongoDB, low-cost applications, data-driven applications, back-end database, NoSQL databases, Java programming, SQL databases, database management, database administration, data storage, data retrieval, database security, database scalability, database performance, database design, database optimization, database architecture, database development, database programming, database integration, database migration, data modeling, data analysis, data visualization, data warehousing, data mining, data processing, data manipulation, data transformation, data aggregation, data normalization, data denormalization, data backup, data recovery, data replication, data synchronization, data distribution, data sharding, data partitioning, data indexing, data querying, data filtering, data sorting, data grouping, data joining, data aggregation, data aggregation functions, data aggregation pipelines, data aggregation framework, data aggregation queries, data aggregation performance, data aggregation optimization, data aggregation tools, data aggregation techniques, data aggregation best practices, data aggregation examples, data aggregation use cases, data aggregation case studies, data aggregation tutorials, data aggregation courses, data aggregation certifications, data aggregation skills, data aggregation jobs, data aggregation salaries, data aggregation career paths, data aggregation trends, data aggregation challenges, data aggregation solutions, data aggregation innovations, data aggregation technologies, data aggregation platforms, data aggregation vendors, data aggregation services, data aggregation consulting, data aggregation outsourcing, data aggregation partnerships, data aggregation communities, data aggregation forums, data aggregation blogs, data aggregation articles, data aggregation books, data aggregation videos, data aggregation podcasts, data aggregation webinars, data aggregation events, data aggregation conferences, data aggregation meetups, data aggregation user groups, data aggregation social media, data aggregation newsletters, data aggregation alerts, data aggregation updates, data aggregation news, data aggregation research, data aggregation reports, data aggregation surveys, data aggregation statistics, data aggregation benchmarks, data aggregation comparisons, data aggregation ratings, data aggregation reviews, data aggregation feedback, data aggregation comments, data aggregation questions, data aggregation answers, data aggregation discussions, data aggregation debates, data aggregation opinions, data aggregation perspectives, data aggregation insights, data aggregation advice, data aggregation recommendations, data aggregation guidelines, data aggregation standards, data aggregation regulations, data aggregation laws, data aggregation ethics, data aggregation privacy, data aggregation security, data aggregation reliability, data aggregation availability, data aggregation performance, data aggregation usability, data aggregation accessibility, data aggregation compatibility, data aggregation interoperability, data aggregation portability
Intermediate4 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Join our hands-on 3-day course to build practical skills in NLP and Generative AI training to develop advanced AI models like ChatGPT from OpenAI.
3-day course,Building Practical Skills in NLP and Generative AI,Generative AI,ChatGPT,OpenAI,Natural Language Processing (NLP),advanced architectures,Generative AI,modules,hands-on labs,Skills in NLP and Generative AI Training Delivery Methods,In-Person,Online,Training Information,Understanding of NLP and Generative AI,Applying Advanced AI Techniques,GRUs,LSTMs,Transformer architectures,Transitioning from traditional NLP to modern methods,Bag-of-Words,word embeddings,advanced neural networks,Lack of practical AI experience,Training Prerequisites,Python programming,machine learning,deep learning,Training Outline,Day 1,Understanding NLP and Sequential Data Processing,Introduction to Natural Language Processing (NLP),Overview of NLP,Traditional NLP Techniques,Bag-of-Words (BoW),Lab 1,Text Classification,Moving to Word Embeddings,Word2Vec,GloVe,Applying NLP,Sentiment Analysis,Lab 2,Restaurant Review Sentiment Analysis,Sequential Data in NLP,Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs),Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs),Lab 3,Text Generation,Day 2,Deep Dive into Advanced Neural Networks and Generative AI,Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM),Lab 4,Autoencoders,Sequence-to-Sequence Models (Seq2Seq),Lab 5,Machine Translation,Attention Mechanisms,Transformers,BERT,GPT,Lab 6,Language Models (LLMs),Deep and Wide Architectures in AI,future trends,generative AI,2-day coruse,Bulding Practical Skills in NLP and Generative AI,Gnerative AI,ChatGPT,OpneAI,Natural Language Procesing (NLP),advnced architectures,Genrative AI,moduels,hands-on lbas,Skills in NLP and Generative AI Training Delivery Mthods,In-Person,Oline,Training Informatin,Understanding of NLP and Generative AI,Applying Advanced AI Techniqes,GRUs,LSTMs,Trasnformer architectures,Transitioning from traditional NLP to mdoern methods,Bag-of-Wrds,word embeddins,advanced neural ntworks,Lack of practical AI experiene,Training Prerequisits,Python programmng,machine learnin,deep learnig,Training Otline,Day 1,Understanding NLP and Sequential Data Procesing,Introduction to Natural Language Procesing (NLP),Overview of NPL,Traditional NLP Techinques,Bag-of-Words (BoW),Lab 1,Text Classifcation,Moving to Word Embeddngs,Word2Vec,Glve,Applying NPL,Sentiment Analisis,Lab 2,Restaurant Review Sentiment Analisis,Sequential Data in NPL,Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs),Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs),Lab 3,Text Generatin,Day 2,Deep Dive into Advanced Neural Networks and Generative AI,Long Short-Term Memory Networks (LSTM),Lab 4,Autencoders,Sequence-to-Sequence Models (Seq2Seq),Lab 5,Machine Traslation,Attention Mechanisms,Tranformers,BERT,GPT,Lab 6,Language Models (LLMs),Deep and Wide Architectures in AI,future trend,generative AI,2-dagars kurs,Att bygga praktiska färdigheter i NLP och generativ AI,Generativ AI,ChatGPT,OpenAI,Natural Language Processing (NLP),avancerade arkitekturer,Generativ AI,moduler,hands-on labb,Färdigheter i NLP och generativ AI-utbildningens leveransmetoder,På plats,Online,Utbildningsinformation,Förståelse av NLP och generativ AI,Tillämpning av avancerade AI-tekniker,GRUer,LSTMer,Transformer-arkitekturer,Övergång från traditionell NLP till moderna metoder,Bag-of-Words,ord inbäddningar,avancerade neurala nätverk,Brist på praktisk AI-erfarenhet,Utbildningsförutsättningar,Python programmering,maskinlärning,djupinlärning,Utbildningsschema,Dag 1,Förståelse för NLP och sekventiell datahantering,Introduktion till Natural Language Processing (NLP),Översikt över NLP,Traditionella NLP-tekniker,Bag-of-Words (BoW),Lab 1,Textklassificering,Övergång till ord inbäddningar,Word2Vec,GloVe,Tillämpning av NLP,Känslanalys,Lab 2,Restaurangrecension Känslanalys,Sekventiell data i NLP,Rekurrenta neurala nätverk (RNNs),Gated Recurrent Units (GRUs),Lab 3,Textgenerering,Dag 2,Djupdykning i avancerade neurala nätverk och generativ AI,Lång korttidsminnesnätverk (LSTM),Lab 4,Autoenkodare,Sequence-to-Sequence-modeller (Seq2Seq),Lab 5,Maskinöversättning,Upmärksamhetsmekanismer,Transformatorer,BERT,GPT,Lab 6,Språkmodeller (LLMs),Djupa och breda arkitekturer i AI,framtida trender,generativ AI,ytterligare läsning och studier
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
Attend this hands-on course & gain the skills to develop, deploy & monitor SOAP & RESTful web services & web service clients with JAX-WS.
web services, SOAP, REST, Java API, JAX-WS, JAX-RS, security technologies, Service-Oriented Architecture, Java programming, stand-alone application, flow control constructs, inheritance model, Java classes, instance methods, interfaces, web servises, soap web services, rest services, JAX WS, JAX RS, secure web services, java progamming, stand alone application, inheretance model, jav enheritance, instanse methods.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
Learn to build modern Web apps with ASP.NET Core, including MVC, Razor Pages, and Web Services. Deploy microservice-based apps on multiple platforms.
Building Web Applications in ASP.NET Core, Building, Web Applications, ASP.NET Core, MVC, Razor Pages, Web Services, .NET Core, technologies, create, deploy, modern applications, microservice design, support, multiple devices, multiple platforms, Buildingg, Web Apps, ASP.NETCORE, MVC framework, Razorpages, web services, .NETCORE, tech, multiple platform support, Building Web Applications in ASP.NET Core, Building, Web Applications, ASP.NET Core, MVC, Razor Pages, Web Services, .NET Core, microservice design, deploy, modern applications, multiple devices, multiple platforms, ASP.NET, microservices, develepors, deply Byggnad, webbapplikationer, ASP.NET Core, MVC, Razor Pages, webbtjänster, .NET Core, mikrotjänstedesign, distribuera, moderna applikationer, flera enheter, flera plattformar, stavfel ASP.NET, mikrotjänster, utvecklare, distribuera.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
Attend this hands-on React 16 course & learn to build an application & create high-performance user Interfaces with JSX components. Attend in-class or online.
Building Web Applications with React 16, 16, React 16, React, Redux, JavaScript, HTML5, web applications, User Interfaces, UIs, classes, JSX components, architectural patterns, client-side functionality, Facebook, open-source, training course, high-performance, Reakt, Reduks, Javascrip, HTML, web apps, user interface, user interface, UI, JSX, architecture, client functionality, Fasebook, opne-source, trainig course, high perfomance.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
Learn to build high-performance client-side apps with React, for both browsers and mobile, in this training course.
react18, react 18, 18, React, Hooks, Redux, Toolkit, client-side applications, browser, native mobile applications, Typescript, productivity, development process, application project, architecting, automated testing, React Testing Library, unit testing, end-to-end testing, deploying, Reacts, Hookes, Reduks, ToolKit, client side, mobile apps, Typescrip, productivty, develepment, architecting, deploy, autometed testing, unit tests, end to end testing, Reacting.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
This Business Agility Foundations Training course teaches leaders to thrive in uncertainty & create organizational success. Plus, earn ICAgile ICP-BAF Certification.
Agile organization, value creation, disruptive environment, speed up, reduce waste, deliver value, organizational success, challenge traditional thinking, outcomes, ICAgile accredited course, ICP-BAF Certification, Business Agility Track, ICAgile certification, certification training. Agil organization, agil, orginization vlue creation, valyue creation, value creaton disrputive environment, disruptive enviroment spead up, speedup reduc waste, reduce wast, reduc wast deliver valye, deliver valie organiztional success, organisational success, organizational sucseschallange traditional thinking, challenge tradisional thinking ICAgile accreditted, ICAgile accredited ICP-BAF Certifiction, ICP-BAF Cerification Busines Agility Track, Business Agilitiy Trac ICAgile sertification, ICAgile certfication certifiction training, certifcation traning
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
In this Business Analyst Soft Skills course you will enhance your people skills, your effectiveness in developing solutions & communication strategies.
Business Analyst, Soft Skills, Training, Interacting, Effectively, Harmoniously, Stakeholders, Team Members, Success, Specific Skills, Behaviours, Attitudes, Impact, Analysis Activities, Enhance, Key Influencer, Projects, Organisation, Mis-spellings Busness Analyst, Soft Skils, Traning, Interecting, Effectivly, Harmoniousely, Stakholders, Tem Members, Succes, Specifc Skils, Behaviors, Attitdes, Impct, Anlysis Activites, Enchance, Key Influncer, Proejcts, Organiztion. Business Analyst, Soft Skills, Training, Interacting, Effectively, Harmoniously, Stakeholders, Team Members, Success, Specific Skills, Behaviours, Attitudes, Impact, Analysis Activities, Enhance, Key Influencer, Projects, Organisation, Mis-spellings Business Analyst, Soft Skills, Training, Interacting, Effectively, Harmoniously, Stakeholders, Team Members, Success, Specific Skills, Behaviours, Attitudes, Impact, Analysis Activities, Enhance, Key Influencer, Projects, Organisation. Behavioural Skills, Attitude Training, Project Management, Collaboration Skills, Negotiation Skills, Leadership Training, Conflict Resolution, Time Management, Decision Making, Miscommunication, , Business Analysis Techniques, Business Analysis Tools Affärsanalytikerutbildning, mjuka färdigheter, kommunikationsfärdigheter, mellanmänskliga färdigheter, teamhantering, intressenthantering, påverkansfärdigheter, beteendefärdigheter, attitydträning, projektledning, samarbetsfärdigheter, förhandlingsfärdigheter, ledarskapsutbildning, konfliktlösning, tidsstyrning, beslutsfattande, missförstånd, stavfel, affärsanalystekniker, affärsanalysverktyg.
Foundation3 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
In this Business Relationship Management course, you learn BRM best practices to facilitate actionable IT solutions that provide value to your business.
Business Relationship Management, BRM, IT, communication, barriers, innovative best practices, business problems, trusted IT adviser, align, needs, IT services, work experience, Busines Relationship Managment, BM, Comunication, IT services
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Learning Tree
Unlock the power of data-driven narratives with our Business Storytelling course. Enhance your presentations and communication skills through engaging stories.
Business storytelling, engaging with data, narrative techniques, corporate storytelling, presentation skills, data-driven narratives, berättande för företag, engagera med data, narrativa tekniker, företagsberättelser, presentationsteknik, datadrivna berättelser
IntermediateLess than a dayOnline or In-classStarts from $849 -
The Cisco Implementing & Administering Cisco Solutions CCNA certification training course teaches a broad range of fundamental knowledge for all IT careers.
CCNA 200-301, CCNA200301, CCNA , CCNA 200301, CCNA certification, CCNA training, Cisco certification, Cisco training, network engineer, network administrator, network support technician, help desk technician, IPv4, IPv6, switches, routers, wireless LAN controllers, network security, network programmability, automation, software-defined networking, computer literacy, PC operating system navigation, Internet usage, IP address knowledge, exam voucher, CCNA certification course, Cisco Certified Network Associate, CCNA certifcation, Cisco certificaton, netowrk engineer, netowrk administrator, enty-level network technician, hel desk technician, IPviv, swithces, rotuers, newtork programmabillity, autoamation, softwere-defined networkin
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,195 -
Learning Tree's CCNP Data Center certification course helps you learn the foundational knowledge & skills you need to configure Cisco® data center tech.
Cisco Data Center, CCNP Data Center, DCFNDU Course Outline, networking, virtualization, storage area networking, unified computing, Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure, Cisco ACI, cloud computing, configuring features, Cisco Nexus Operating System, Cisco NX-OS, Cisco Unified Computing System, Sisco Data Centre, CCNP Datacentre, networkingg, virutalization, storage area network, unifeid computing, Cisco Aplication Centric Infrastructre, Cisco ACI, clod computing, configuring featurres, Cisco Nexus Operatings System, Cisco UCS
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,595 -
Learning Tree's CCNP ENCOR training course helps prepare you to take the 350-401 Implementing Cisco® Enterprise Network Core Technologies exam.
Configure, troubleshoot, manage, enterprise, wired, wireless, networks, security principles, SD-Access, SD-WAN, network design, CCNP, CCIE, Cisco Certified Specialist, LAN networks, routing, wireless connectivity, Python scripting, exam, network engineers, administrators, support technicians, help desk technician Enterprize Wirless Netwrok Securty SDAccess SDAcces SD WAN SDWAN
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,300 -
This CDPSE training course provides enterprises the ability to identify technologists who can keep the organization compliant efficiently and cost-effectively.
CDPSE, technical privacy, certification, privacy controls, systems, networks, applications, privacy by design, technology platforms, legal professionals, compliance, IT professionals, data breaches, technical privacy solutions, software engineer, domain architect, security, privacy engineer, privacy solutions architect, project manager, data scientist, privacy analyst, privacy manager. CDPSE CDPS, CDPCE, CDPSA privacy controls privary controls, pirvacy controls, privasy controls systems sytems, sysetms, systemms networks netoworks, netwroks, nertworks applications aplicaitons, appplications, aplicatoins compliance compiance, comliance, complience IT professionals IT professioanls, IT proffesionals, it professional
Intermediate3 daysTeam Training -
APMG International
Gain APMG Change Management certifications with our course. Learn to manage change, work with stakeholders, and understand how people deal with change.
Certificate in Change Management, APMG CM Training, change management, Change Management Foundation, Change Management Practitioner, skills, knowledge, organization, people, stakeholders, change initiative, change managment, apmg change management, certificate in change managment, changemanagement, certificate in changemanagement, Certificate in Change Management, APMG CM™ Training, skills, knowledge, APMG Change Management Foundation, Practitioner certifications, manage change, organisation, different people, deal with change, stakeholders, change initiative, Certifcate, Chnage, Managment, APM CM Training, APMG Change Mnagement, Practisioner. Certifikat i förändringshantering, APMG CM™-utbildning, färdigheter, kunskap, APMG Change Management Foundation, Practitioner-certifieringar, hantera förändring, organisation, olika människor, hantera förändring, intressenter, förändringsinitiativ, stavfel Certifcate, Chnage, Managment, APM CM-utbildning, APMG Change Mnagement, Practisioner.
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,455 -
Cloud Security Alliance
Dive into Zero Trust principles for secure cloud computing. Earn your CCZT and showcase your skills in implementing Zero Trust architecture.
zero trust architecture, certificate of cloud security knowledge, team training, architecture study guide, cyber security, cloud security alliance, zero trust knowledge, zero trust strategy, learning tree, zero trust use cases, real time, security control, user devices, security posture, data breaches, gain access, cloud service, trust always verify, security access, trust framework, network security, security strategy, security professionals, cloud environment, threat intelligence, data centers, security teams, cloud computing, security framework, continuously monitored, Certifiering i Zero Trust-arkitektur, certifikat i Cloud Security Knowledge, teamutbildningsprogram, studieguide för arkitektur, kurser i cybersäkerhet, certifieringar från Cloud Security Alliance, kunskapsförbättring i Zero Trust, strategisk planering för Zero Trust, utbildningsprogram från Learning Tree, realtidsfallstudier i Zero Trust, avancerad säkerhet för användarenheter, stark säkerhetsställning, förebyggande av dataintrång i cybersäkerhet, säkra molntjänster, säkerhetstillgång med Trust-but-Verify, omfattande förtroenderamverk, professionell nätverkssäkerhet, säkerhetsstrategier för IT-professionella, säkerhet i molnmiljö, metodiker för hotintelligens, säkrade datacenter, förberedelser för säkerhetsteam, säkerhetsramverk för molnberäkning, kontinuerlig övervakning och kontroll, CCZT, zero trust, cybersecurity, training, certification, course, CCZT, zero trust, cybersäkerhet, utbildning, certifiering, kurs
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,650 -
Cloud Security Alliance
Earn your Certification of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK Plus) on AWS. Hands-on training to master cloud security best practices on AWS.
data security for cloud computing, cloud network security, identity and access management, cloud data storage, security and identity management, certificate of cloud security knowledge, cyber security, cloud security risk, data security lifecycle, cloud security operations, data center, access management iam, real time, gain access, security teams, security measures, data encryption, role based access control, shared responsibility model, human error, information security, continuous monitoring, securing data, cloud platform, storing data, general data protection regulation, security standards, risk assessments, authentication and authorization, data accessible, CCSK Plus, AWS, cloud security, training, certification, course, CCSK Plus, AWS, molnsäkerhet, utbildning, certifiering, kurs
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,650 -
Cloud Security Alliance
Achieve Certification of Cloud Security Knowledge (CCSK Plus) on Azure. Hands-on course on implementing cloud security in Azure environments. Register today!
data security for cloud computing, identity and access management, cloud network security, cloud data storage, security and identity management, certificate of cloud security knowledge, cyber security, cloud security risk, certified cloud security professional, data security lifecycle, access controls, data center, access management iam, gain access, real time, security measures, information security, security teams, role based access control, security professionals, securing data, data encryption, human error, authentication and authorization, cloud platform, storing data, data accessible, authorize users, general data protection regulation, shared responsibility model
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,650 -
Scrum Alliance
In this Certified Agile Leadership course, you'll gain insight into what best practices will enable you to lead real change across your organization.
Certified Agile Leadership Essentials (CAL-E/O/T) Training, Certified Agile Leadership Essentials (CAL-E/O/T), Certified Agile Leadership Essentials, US, Certified, Agile Leadership, Essentials, CAL-E, CAL-O, CAL-T, Training, foundations, principles, practices, leaders, businesses, organizations, teams, case studies, assessment, discussion, evaluation, change, volatile, uncertain, complex, ambiguous, VUCA world, traditional leadership, outcomes, natural dispositions, workplace, influence, safe-to-fail environment, transparency, inspection, experimentation, continuous learning. Agil Leadership LEddership bussinesses, agile tools certification, agile techniques certification, agile practices and principles certification, agile mindset training certification. agil ledarskap, agila principer, agila metoder, fallstudier, bedömning, diskussion, utvärdering, förändring, affärsbehov, svara, anpassa, skifta, ledare, anställda, kultur, VUCA-världen, alternativa ledarskapsmetoder, CAL-Essentials, naturliga dispositioner, inflytande, arbetsplats, säker att misslyckas-miljö, transparens, inspektion, anpassning, experiment, kontinuerligt lärande, CAL-E, CAL-O, CAL-T, certifierat agilt ledarskap, certifierat agilt ledarskap essentials, certifierat agilt ledarskap essentials, certifierad agil ledarskap essentials-utbildning, agilt ledarskapsutbildning, agilt ledarskapskurs, agil utbildning, agil kurs, agil certifiering, agil ledare, agilt team, agil organisation, agilt företag, agil kultur, agil tankesätt, agil hantering, agil transformation, agil metodik, agil strategi, agil ramverk, agila verktyg, agila tekniker, agila metoder och principer, agilt tankesättsträning, certifiering av agilt ledarskap, certifiering av agilt ledarskap essentials, certifiering av agilt ledarskapsutbildning, certifiering av agilt ledarskapskurs, certifiering av agil utbildning, certifiering av agil kurs, certifiering av agil certifieringsträning, certifiering av agil ledare, certifiering av agilt team, certifiering av agil organisation, certifiering av agilt företag, certifiering av agil kultur, certifiering av agilt tankesätt, certifiering av agil hantering, certifiering av agil transformation, certifiering av agil metodik, certifiering av agil strategi, certifiering av agilt ramverk, certifiering av agila verktyg, certifiering
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,595 -
DevOps Institute
The Certified Agile Service Manager (CASM) training course provides an introduction to Agile Service Management and prepares you to become a CASM.
Certified Agile Service Manager (CASM) Certification Training Certified Scrum Master, DevOps culture, service management processes, process design projects, IT efficiency, changing requirements, Agile thinking, operational counterpart, agile service management, agile thinking, Information Technology, value delivery, Certified Agile Service Manager, CASM, Certification Training, spellings Agil thinking, IT efficiensy, delivary, Certifed Scruum Master
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
This Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM)® course covers the terms & definitions of the PMBOK Guide & prepares you to pass the CAPM exam.
CAPM, Certified Associate in Project Management, PMBOK, exam prep, training course, PMI, certification, project management career, terminology, tools, techniques, PDUs, practice exam questions, Learning Tree, PMBOK Guide, Project Management Institute, credentials, project management effectiveness, CAM, CAPN, CAMP, CAAPM, Certified Associate in Project Menagment
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
The CCSP Training and Certification course teaches the knowledge & skills needed to pass the certification & become a Certified Cloud Security Professional.
8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CCSP, Certified Cloud Security Professional, training, certification,ISC2®;, security professionals, knowledge, cloud security, data security, cloud infrastructure security, information security, secure data centers, cloud environments, cloud-based data access, cloud security solutions, detecting, responding, security incidents, cloud computing technologies, Microsoft Azure, security practices, physical infrastructure, cloud resource access control, protection, sensitive data, load balancers, security operations centers, SOCs, cloud environment security, exam, industry standard, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-III, Information Assurance Security Architect/Engineer IASAE Level-III, CSP, CCPS, CCSP certification, CCSP exam
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,295 -
This Certified CMMC Assessor Training course prepares you to become a Certified Assessor Level 1, which enables you to conduct maturity level 1 assessment.
US, Certified CMMC Assessor Training, CCA, Certified CMMC Assessor exam, assessing the CMMC Level, workflow, efficiency, Department of Defense, DoD, cybersecurity requirements, Secretary of Defense, CMMC program, standard model, evaluating organizations, cybersecurity competency, compliance, handling Controlled Unclassified Information, CUI, virtual instructor-led training, virtual classrooms, real-time delivery methods, employee training, team performance. CCMC instead of CMMC assesing instead of assessing cyber security instead of cybersecurity DOD instead of DoD virtual instructor lead training instead of virtual instructor-led training
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,350 -
Get CEH certified with our training course! Learn to protect your network with hands-on labs and tools. Pass the EC-Council CEH v13 exam.
CEH training, CEH certification, ethical hacking, cybersecurity, network security, penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, security tools, DoD Directive 8140, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Infrastructure Support, CSSP Auditor, CSSP Incident Responder, real-life scenarios, hands-on labs, exam preparation, security techniques, security protocols, security measures, CEH traning, CEH certifcation, ehtical hacking, cibersecurity, network secutiry, penatration testing, vulnerability asessment, DoD Directive 8140, CSSP Analist, CSSP Infrastructur Support, CSSP Aditor, CSSP Incident Responser. CEH training, CEH certification, ethical hacking, cybersecurity, network security, penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, security tools, DoD Directive 8140, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Infrastructure Support, CSSP Auditor, CSSP Incident Responder, real-life scenarios, hands-on labs, exam preparation, security techniques, security protocols, security measures, CEH training, CEH certification, ethical hacking, cybersecurity, network security, penetration testing, vulnerability assessment, DoD Directive 8140, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Infrastructure Support, CSSP Auditor, CSSP Incident Responder.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,850 -
Learn IAPP's Information Privacy Professional/U.S. Government (CIPP/US) certification program.
Certified Information Privacy Professional | CIPP Training & Certification, U.S. government, privacy laws, regulations, policies, privacy program, development, management, compliance, auditing, records management, agency reporting obligations, ANSI-accredited, certification program, test takers, Privacy Certification Handbook 2018, examination prep course, key concepts, timed practice test, review, answers, instructor, exam blueprint, topic area, public sector, private sector, IAPP, Information Privacy Professional/U.S. Government, CIPP/US, goverment, privicy, complience, audting, IAP, Informatoin, Certfied
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,670 -
Get Certified Information Privacy Technologist Training based on IAPP's CIPT/US certification program.
Certified Information Privacy Technologist, CIPT, privacy, data protection, IT products, IT services, information and communication technologies, systems, ANSI-accredited, certification, IAPP, Certified Information Privacy Professional, US, tech pros, securing data privacy, examination prep course, key concepts, practice test, exam blueprint, potential test takers
Foundation2 daysTeam Training -
Get certified with our CISA training course! Covers all 5 domains on the exam, meets DoD Directive 8140/8570.01 requirements.
CISA (CERTIFIED INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDITOR), CERTIFIED INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDITOR), CISA CERTIFIED INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDITOR, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CISA training, ISACA CISA, information systems auditing, control, information security, IT governance, management of IT, information systems acquisition, development, implementation, operations, maintenance, support, protection of information assets, CISA domains, CISA certification exam, US DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-III, CSSP Auditor requirementCISA traning, ISACA CISAA, information system auditing, information secruity, IT governence, management or IT, information system aquisition, developement, implimentation, operation, maintenence, CISA domians, certifcation exam, DOD, DIRECTIVE 8140/8570.1, technical, IT level III, CSPP auditor
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,850 -
In this Certified Network Defender (CND) training course, you will get prepped to pass the EC-Council CND 312-38 exam and learn how to manage a secure network.
8140/8570, 8140, 8570, Certified Network Defender CND , EC-Council, CND 312-38 exam, design network security, manage network security, defensive security, handle network defense, data security, configure networking technologies, install defensive software, confidentiality, integrity, availability, cyber security war, network administrators, enterprise network, network security, tactical expertise, secure data, build defenses, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-I, Technical IAT Level-II, Management IAM Level-I, CSSP Infrastructure Support, CYBRScore Lab Bundles, Certified Network Defendar, EC-Council Certified Network Defender, CND training, security network design, secure network managment, data securitas, configur networking tecnologies, defansive software, confidenciality, intgregity, avalability, cyber security, cyber defence, network administrator, enterprise networking, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01 Technical certified , CSSP infrastructure suport.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classOn-DemandStarts from $2,199 -
The Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Training Course prepares students for the Cyber-AB Certified CMMC Professional (CCP) certification.
CMMC Certification Training, Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC) Training Course, CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATION, CyberAB, CMMCAB, CYBER, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBERSECURITY INTRO, CYBERSECURITY INTRODUCTION, CYBER SECURITY INTRO, CYBER SECURITY INTRODUCTION, CMMC certification, cybersecurity, maturity model, compliance, policies, plans, DoD, Cyber AB, accreditation, CCP, CMMC Professional, assessment team, lead assessor, marketplace, CCA, Certified CMMC Assessor, training, course, practices, business operations, Level requirements. Cybsersecurity Maturity Model Certification Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certfication Cybersecurity Maturiy Model Certification CMMC certiciation Cyber AB accredidation ACQ Accreditation Body CCP certificaton CMM Certified CMMC Manager CMA Certified CMMC Auditor CCN Certified CMMC Navigators
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
This official ISACA CRISC training course helps you prepare for the certification exam & provides you with in-depth coverage of the four CRISC domains.
ISACA, certification, CRISC, risk identification, IT risk assessment, risk response, risk mitigation, risk and control monitoring, reporting, enterprise risk management, IT professional, control professional, business analyst, project manager, compliance professional, defend, protect, future-proof, exam, experience, risk management, IS control, prep course, exam day, rules, exam dates, deadlines, risc, cric, crsc, crcs, isaca certification
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,850 -
Scrum Alliance
This Certified Scrum Developer course builds upon a foundation that will strengthen your technical skills in agile product development.
Certified Scrum Developer, CSD, agile product development, Scrum, agile principles, agile engineering skills, iterative, incremental fashion, Scrum Masters, Product Owners, software development teams, team training exercise, value-added products, formal training, Scrum Alliance-approved CSD Educator, Scrum Alliance membership profile, Scrum Education Units, SEUs, renewing certification, Scrumm, scrum development, agil product development, incrementual fashion, pottential Scrum Masters.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,595 -
Scrum Alliance
Develop positive stakeholder relationships & prioritize your product backlog with Learning Tree's interactive CSPO training. Get certified today.
Agile, Scrum, Certified, Product Owner, CSPO, certification, training, prioritize, backlog, communicate, stakeholders, framework, manage, expectations, aglie, scrumm, cetified, prduct, ownr, cspo, certifcation, trining, priorize, backlod, communcate, stakeholdrs, framewrk, expecations
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,495 -
Scrum Alliance
Advance your career as a Product Manager with our Certified Product Owner Training program. Gain valuable consultations from a Certified Scrum Trainer.
Certified Scrum Professional-Product Owner, CSP-PO, Scrum Alliance, Product Owners, Product Managers, stakeholder discussion, funding, financing, customer development, product launches, product discovery, Certified Scrum Trainer, membership, certification, experience, Scrum, Agile, classroom, online courses, lectures, exercises, step-by-step techniques, Coaching Circles, progress, ideas, questions, encouragement, journey, team, renewal, continued education, fee, renewing certification SCRUM, Agile, product discovery
IntermediateMulti-WeekOn-DemandTeam TrainingStarts from $1,495 -
Scrum Alliance
This Certified Scrum Professional (CSP-SM) training program helps ScrumMasters complete their journey from ScrumMaster to Agile Coach.
Certified Scrum Professional, ScrumMaster, CSP-SM, Agile, Lean thinking, team dynamics, Five Scrum Values, Certified Scrum Trainer, Scrum Alliance, experience, Fast Pass program, online courses, Coaching Circles, progress, renewal, continued education, fee, annual membership. Certified Scrum Pro, ScrumMaester, CSPSM, Agil, Lene thinking, team dymanics, Scrum Valuse, Certified Scrum Trainor, Scrum Aalliance, FastPass program, renewel, continued eduction.
IntermediateMulti-WeekOn-DemandTeam TrainingStarts from $1,495 -
Scrum Alliance
This Scrum Master Training course prepares you to become a certified ScrumMaster and apply the foundations to help your team work more efficiently.
ScrumMaster, CSM, training, Agile, team, efficiency, certification, course, interactive, foundations, apply, skills, work together, become, acquire, crum, Agile training, Scrum certification, Agile methodology, Scrum framework, Agile development, Scrum team, Scrum process, Scrum course, Agile project management, ScrumMaster course, Agile coaching, Scrum training, Agile leadership, Scrum alliance, Scrum principles, Scrum methodology, Scrum certification training, Scrum training online, ScrumMaster certification, Agile Scrum training, Scrum training course, Scrum training and certification, Agile Scrum certification, ScrumMaster training online, Agile Scrum methodology. ScrumMaster training, Scrum Master, ScrumMaster certification training, Agile ScrumMaster, Agile Scrum Master, ScrumMaster course, ScrumMaster certification course, Scrum Master certification, Agile ScrumMaster certification, ScrumMaster training course.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,595 -
Prepare for the CSC-210 exam with this CertNexus Cyber Secure Coder certification training course.
training, software security, development teams, code, successful implementation, privacy issues, software development lifecycle, vulnerabilities, remediate, security defects, misconfiguration, design software, human element, incorporate security, CertNexus CSC-210 exam, cyber secure coder, cybersecurity, secure coding, secure software, secure development, privacy protection, security risks, cybersecurity training, security measures, software vulnerabilities, security best practices, security awareness, security guidelines, secure coding practices, application security, security testing, security audits, security controls, security assessments, security policies, vulnerability management, security threats, secure coding techniques, secure programming. cyber security, cyberscurity, secutiry, seecure, codeing, privcay, remmediate, devlopment, succsessful, human elemnt, development lifecylce, SecNexus, Secur Coder, CertNexus CSC 210, cybersecurity training, secure codeing, pryvacy, voynerabilities, reemmadiate, deelopment, Cert Nexis CSC210, cyber securities, secure developement, CertNexus, Cyber Secure Coder, software security, development teams, code, delivery, software quality, privacy issues, software development lifecycle, vulnerabilities, remediate, security defects, misconfiguration, design software, human element, incorporate security, CertNexus CSC-210 exam, Cert Nexus, Cyber Secure Corder, sofware security, developement teams, desing software CertNexus, Cyber Secure Coder, mjukvarusäkerhet, utvecklingsteam, kod, leverans, mjukvarukvalitet, integritetsproblem, mjukvaruutvecklingslivscykel, sårbarheter, åtgärda, säkerhetsdefekter, felkonfiguration, designa mjukvara, mänskligt element, integrera säkerhet, CertNexus CSC-210-examen, stavfel Cert Nexus, Cyber Secure Corder, sofware security, developement teams, desing software.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
This official ISACA CGEIT certification course preps you for the exam & provides you with in-depth coverage of the CGEIT Framework & its implementation.
CGEIT, certification, training, exam, governance, enterprise, IT, resources, benefits, risk, optimization, senior managers, CIOs, compliance, IS professionals, efficient, effective, practices, manage, organization, in-demand, experience, advisory, oversight, prep course, ISACA, candidate information guide, rules, deadlineCEGIT, sertification, traning, exm, goverance, enterprice, resourses, benifits, risck, optimisation, senoir mangers, COIs, complience, IT profesionals, efficent, effectiv, prctices, manag, orginization, expereience, advsory, oversight, prepration course, ICASA, candiate information guied, ruels, daedlines.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,850 -
This CGRC® training and certification course prepares you for the CGRC exam plus risk management frameworks.
8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CGRC, Certified in Governance Risk and Compliance, CAP, Certified Authorization Professional, information security, risk management, security risk management, authorization, organization mission, legal requirements, regulatory requirements, DoD, IAM, Level-I, Level-II, certification exam, training, practitioner. CGRC CRCG, CRGC, CGRC® Governance Goverance Compliance Complience Authorization Authorisation Information Informtion Security Secuirty Management Managment Requirements RequirmentCertification Certificaton Training Trainning Practitioner Practicioner, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CGRC, Certified in Governance Risk and Compliance, CAP, Certified Authorization Professional, information security, risk management, security risk management, authorisation, organisation mission, legal requirements, regulatory requirements, DoD, IAM, Level-I, Level-II, certification exam, training, practitioner. CGRC CRCG, CRGC, CGRC® Governance Goverance Compliance Complience Authorisation Authorisation Information Informtion Security Secuirty Management Managment Requirements RequirmentCertification Certificaton Training Trainning Practitioner Practicioner
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,990 -
Learning Tree
This 1-hour ChatGPT for Business Users: On-Demand course will explore Conversational AI and develop your own Prompt Engineer to streamline prompt creation and ensure accurate responses.
OnDemand course, Conversational AI, ChatGPT, related terms, applications, business, personal life, day-to-day activities, office, optimize features, prompts, responses, improve results, Prompt Engineer, streamline prompt creation, accurate responses, familiarize, daily use, valuable tips, utilizing effectively, develop skills, detailed prompts, optimal results, Business Users, On-Demand Training Outline, Introduction, comprehensive understanding, practical ways, daily interactions, Getting Started, guide, better results, queries, Engineering, customization, personalized prompts, best responses, specific business use cases,OnDemand-kurs, Konversationell AI, ChatGPT, relaterade termer, applikationer, affär, personligt liv, vardagliga aktiviteter, kontor, optimera funktioner, uppmaningar, svar, förbättra resultat, Prompt Engineer, effektivisera skapandet av uppmaningar, korrekta svar, bekanta sig, daglig användning, värdefulla tips, utnyttja effektivt, utveckla färdigheter, detaljerade uppmaningar, optimala resultat, Affärsanvändare, On-Demand-utbildningsplan, Introduktion, omfattande förståelse, praktiska sätt, dagliga interaktioner, Komma igång, guide, bättre resultat, förfrågningar, Teknik, anpassning, personliga uppmaningar, bästa svar, specifika affärsfall.
FoundationLess than a dayOn-DemandStarts from $99 -
Learning Tree
This course will teach you to use Chef Automation to turn infrastructure into code to automate server configuration, deployment, and management.
Chef Foundations Training | Chef Automation, Chef Foundations Training, Chef Automation, Chef, automation, training, infrastructure, code, configuration, deployment, management, servers, architecture, tools, Development Kit, testing, skills, hands-on exercises, repo, automating infrastructure, courseware, lab environments, Cheff, automate, traning, infrastracture, coding, deploymentment, managment, serwers, arhitecture, development kit.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,750 -
Attend this computer hacking forensic investigator certification course to get prepped to successfully pass the EC-Council ECO-312-49.
v11, CHFI Certification | Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Course CHFI v11, CHFI Certification, Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Course CHFI v11, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CHFI Certification, Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Training, CHFI v11, Digital forensics, evidence analysis, cyber forensics, computer forensic, computer security, incident response, infrastructure support, DoD Directive 8140, DoD Directive 8570.01, CSSP Incident Responder, CSSP Infrastructure Support, searching and seizing, chain-of-custody, acquisition, preservation, analysis, reporting, digital evidence, EC-Council, certification course. CFI Certification Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator Training with variations of capitalization CHFIv11 Digital forensics with variations of spelling Cyber forensics with variations of spelling Forensic computer investigation Incident response with variations of capitalization Infrastructure support with variations of spelling DoD Directive 8140 with variations of capitalization and spelling DoD Directive 8570.01 with variations of capitalization and spelling CSSP Incident Responder with variations of capitalization and spelling CSSP Infrastructure Support with variations of capitalization and spelling Searching and seizing with variations of spelling Chain of custody with variations of capitalization and spelling Acquisition with variations of spelling Preservation with variations of spelling Analysis with variations of spelling Reporting with variations of spelling Digital evidence with variations of spelling EC-Council with variations of capitalization and spelling
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classOn-DemandStarts from $2,199 -
Learning Tree's Cisco Collaboration training course gives you the fundamental knowledge needed to take the CCNP® Collaboration certification courses.
Understanding Cisco Collaboration Foundations, Cisco Collaboration Training, CLFNDU, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, Session Initiation Protocol, SIP gateway, phones, video endpoints, users, media resources, maintenance, troubleshooting, SIP dial plans, PSTN services, class-of-service, Cisco Collboration Training, CLFNDU v1.1, Session Initiation Protocal, connnectivity, Public Swtiched Telphone Network
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,195 -
Enroll on this Cisco UCCE Deployment course to get hands-on experience deploying Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise.
Cisco UCCE Deployment Training, UCCE-D v11.5 Training, Cisco UCCE Deployment Training | UCCE-D v11.5 Training, Cisco Unified Contact Center Enterprise Deployment, UCCE, UCCE-D, Cisco Unified CCE, Intelligent Contact Manager, ICM, Cisco Unified CVP, Cisco Finesse, Cisco Unified Intelligence Center, Agent, IVR-based Outbound Option dialing campaigns, troubleshooting tools, RTMT, System CLI, Diagnostic Framework, call tracking, Cisco certification, Cisco networking, routers, switches, Microsoft software products, Windows Server, Active Directory environment, AUCCE Part 1, hands-on labs, laptop computer, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Mac OSX, Intel Celeron, RAM, browser requirements, Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Safari, Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, Java Runtime Environment, Cisco Any Connect Client, WebEx event, bandwidth speeds. Cisco Unifed Contact Center Enterprise Deployment, UCCE-D, Unified CCE, Intelligent Contact Manger, CISCO UNIFIED CVY, Cisco fines, RTMT tool, Diagnostic Frame work, Certafication, networkin, route, swich, micosoft Windoes, Active Derectory environment.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,395 -
In this course, you will gain the knowledge needed to successfully pass the certification exam and become a CISM, ISACA Certified Information Security Manager.
8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CISM, Certified Information Security Manager, certification, exam, knowledge, skills, security governance, risk management, compliance, program development, incident management, CAP, Directive 8140/8570.01, IAM, Level-I, Level-II, CISN, Certifid Information Security Mangager, secuirity, goverance, complience, incidnt.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,850 -
This CISSP® Training and Certification prep course provides in-depth training in the ISC2™ curriculum that will help prepare you to pass your CISSP exam.
CISSP TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION PREP (WITH EXAM VOUCHER), CISSP, CISSP TRAINING AND CERTIFICATION PREP, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CISSP, certification, training, prep course, security, risk, assets, design, framework, communication, networks, software development, exam, Information Systems Security Professional, DoD, Directive 8140/8570.01, IAT, Information Assurance Security Architect/Engineer, IASAE, Management, IAM, Level-III, Level-II, Level-I, , s.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,295 -
Learning Tree
Learn how to create a new Citrix DaaS deployment and migrate from an on-premises Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops Site. Hands-on training included.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,000 -
The cloud audit certification training teaches the essential principles needed to successfully obtain the Certificate of Cloud Auditing Knowledge (CCAK).
Cloud Audit Certification Training (CCAK), cloud audit, auditing, auditing cloud computing systems, CCAK, Certificate of Cloud Auditing Knowledge, CCAK Certification, Cloud Security Alliance, ISACA, IT audit, security, cybersecurity, risk, privacy, governance, certification training, cloud security best practices, clowd audit, auditting, CCAK certification, cloud secuirty, IT auditing.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,145 -
This AWS SysOps Administrator course will prepare systems administrators to take the official exam and become an AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate.
Cloud Operations, AWS, Amazon Web Services, Systems Administrator, Developer Operations, DevOps, automatable, repeatable deployments, networks, systems, configuration, deployment, industry techniques, AWS features, tools, SysOps Administrator, official exam, Certified SysOps Administrator Associate. Cloud Oprations, AWs, Systems Administrater, Devopment Operations, Developers Operations, automatable, repeatable deployements, configuraiton, deplyoment, tools, SysOps, Certification.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Stay ahead of cybersecurity regulations with our CMMC 2.0 Compliance Training. Ensure data security and government contract eligibility.
CMMC, NIST, Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification, Defense Industrial Base, consultants, contractors, DoD contracting organizations, SP 800-171, Non-Federal Organizations, U.S. Federal Government, controlled unclassified information, self-attestation guidance, 3rd party assessments, CCMC, NISTA, Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certifcation, Defence Industrial Base, SP 800 171, self-attestation guidiance, 3rd party asesments.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
Join our CMMC 2.0 Readiness Compliance Workshop to master essential steps for DoD certification and enhance your cybersecurity posture.
IntermediateLess than a dayTeam Training -
Complete COBIT® 2019 Training & gain best practices for the governance and management of enterprise information and technology.
COBIT 2019, governance and management, enterprise IT, enterprise information, enterprise technology, governance principles, governance system, governance objectives, performance management, tailored governance, Certification exam, Foundation exam, Pre-course study guide, tuition fee, exam duration, exam score. COBID 2019, governence and management, enterprize IT, enterprize information, enterprize technology, governence principles, governence system, governence objectives, pre-course study guide, tuision fee, exam duratoin, exam scrore.
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Learning Tree
Maximize your understanding and usage of Microsoft Teams. Discover hidden features and boost productivity. Transform communication into collaboration.
Microsoft Teams, collaboration, hands-on approach, user tips, advanced features, productivity, design, functionality, tips, tricks, use cases, communication platform, comprehensive collaboration environment, organization, utilizing, misrosoft teams, colaberation, hnds-on approch, usre tps, avanced fetures.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Gain essential skills to become a Collaboration Communications Systems Engineer with our MS-721 course. Learn networking, telecommunications, MS Teams deployment, & more.
MS-721, MS 721, MS721, Collaboration Communications Systems Engineer, networking, telecommunications, audio/visual and meeting room technologies, identity and access management, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams Phone, meetings, certified devices, Microsoft Teams Rooms, Surface Hub, Microsoft Teams admin center, PowerShell, Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro Portal, Call Quality Dashboard, PSTN connectivity, Microsoft Calling Plans, Operator Connect, Teams Phone Mobile, Direct Routing, Teams meetings and calling, Teams Phone deployment, Microsoft Teams Room for Android, Microsoft Teams Rooms for Windows, Teams network requirements, Teams Network planner, Teams Network Assessment Tool, Optimize network and WiFi for media flow, Configure and deploy Teams Phone, emergency calling addresses, Microsoft Calling Plan numbers, Operator Connect, Audio Conferencing, Communication Credits, Session Border Controller (SBC), advanced voice routing, provision users, number translation, dial plans, Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA), third-party policy-based compliance recording, third-party contact center solutions, Voice Bots, Microsoft 365, Configure auto attendants and call queues, Teams phones, Teams displays, Teams Rooms Pro Management Portal, Microsoft 365 tenant, room mailbox properties, Troubleshoot Teams devices, Collaboration Communications Systems Engineer Certification, Exam MS721, Exam MS 721, MS721, MS 721, Microsoft role-based certification exam, Samarbete Kommunikationssystem Ingenjör, nätverk, telekommunikation, ljud-/bild- och mötesrumsteknologier, identitets- och åtkomsthantering, Microsoft Teams, Microsoft Teams Phone, möten, certifierade enheter, Microsoft Teams Rooms, Surface Hub, Microsoft Teams administrativa centrum, PowerShell, Microsoft Teams Rooms Pro Portal, Call Quality Dashboard, PSTN-anslutning, Microsoft Calling Plans, Operator Connect, Teams Phone Mobile, Direct Routing, Teams möten och samtal, Teams Phone-implementering, Microsoft Teams Room för Android, Microsoft Teams Rooms för Windows, Teams nätverkskrav, Teams Network planner, Teams Network Assessment Tool, Optimering av nätverk och WiFi för mediaflöde, Konfigurera och implementera Teams Phone, nödanropsadresser, Microsoft Calling Plan-nummer, Operator Connect, Audio Conferencing, Communication Credits, Session Border Controller (SBC), avancerad röstvägledning, tilldela användare, nummeröversättning, röstplaner, Survivable Branch Appliance (SBA), tredjepartsbaserade regleringsinspelningar, tredjeparts kontaktcenterlösningar, Voice Bots, Microsoft 365, Konfigurera automatsvar och samtalsköer, Teams-telefoner, Teams-skärmar, Teams Rooms Pro Management Portal, Microsoft 365-hyresgäst, egenskaper för rumspostlåda, Felsökning av Teams-enheter, Samarbete Kommunikationssystem Ingenjör-certifiering, Exam MS-721, MS-721-examen, MS721, MS 721, Microsofts rollbaserade certifieringsexamen
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
Learn complex project management in this intensive real-world project scenario training course for project success. Attend in-class or online.
Complex Project Management Training, project management, project scenario training course, assess projects, communicate projects, manage projects, project success, project failure, tool set, essential influencers, deep understanding, projct management, projetc management, compex project management, complx project managment, projec managment, project managemnt.
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
This hands-on introduction takes you on a transformative journey from raw data to invaluable insights, leveraging the power of data and AI.
Introduction to Big Data, Big Data training, data science training, store data, manage data, process data, analyze data, structured data, unstructured data, meaningful insights, live training, instructor-led training, on-demand training, blended training, output, tool, skills, massive amounts, real business gain, Big Data traning, data scinece training, strucutred data, unstrucutred data, meaingful insights, live trining, on-deman training, instrctor-led training.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
CompTIA A+® Certification Training is an approved exam prep course. Choose from live, on-demand or blended format. Includes exam voucher & study guide.
plus, aplus, A+, A, CompTIA A+ Certification Training, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA A+, certification, training, IT career, enterprise IT infrastructures, foundational knowledge, relevant technologies, maintain, organization, Core 1, Core 2, exams, personal computer hardware, operating systems, EBook, practice assessment questions, video clips, examples, voucher, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical, Level-I, requirements, compatia, compter A+, comptia+
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classPremiumStarts from $3,455 -
This CompTIA Cloud+® certification training will prepare you to pass the CompTIA Cloud+ CV0-004 exam and earn the corresponding certification.
plus, cloudplus, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA Cloud+®, Certification Training, pass, exam, standard deployments, cloud technologies, create cloud solutions, workload migrations, cloud vendors, control costs, automation, orchestration, business value, cybersecurity, best practices, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Management, IAM, Level-I, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Infrastructure Support CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Training CompTIA Cloud Certification Training CompTIA Cloud+ Certification Exam cloud tecnologiecyber security CSSP Infrastructure Support
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,790 -
This official CompTIA CySA+® certification training preps you to successfully pass the CS0-003 exam & be ready to meet advanced persistent threats head on.
CS0-002, CS0002, CS0-003, CS0003, plus, cysaplus, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA, CySA+, certification, training, exam, cybersecurity, analyst, APTs, scenario-based, foundational, knowledge, network security, tools, techniques, threats, DoD, directive, Technical, IAT, Level-II, CSSP, Auditor, Infrastructure, Support, Incident Responder, comptia, cysa, analyist, csa+, CySA, certification, traning, exame, cyber security, aps, networksecutriy, dirctive, technicall, cspp, infustracture, insident, responser, plus, cysaplus, CompTIA CySA+, cybersecurity analyst, APTs, scenario-based training, CS0-002, intermediate certification, Network+, CASP, analytical approach, network security, tools, techniques, threats, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-II, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Infrastructure Support, CSSP Incident Responder, CSSP Auditor, CompTIA CySA, cyber security analyst, advanced persistent threads, scenario based training, network security tools and tecniques. CompTIA CySA+, cybersäkerhetsanalytiker, APT er, scenario-baserad träning, CS0-002, mellanliggande certifiering, Network+, CASP, analytiskt tillvägagångssätt, nätverkssäkerhet, verktyg, tekniker, hot, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Teknisk IAT Nivå-II, CSSP-analytiker, CSSP-infrastrukturstöd, CSSP-incidenthanterare, CSSP-revisor, stavfel CompTIA CySA, cybersäkerhetsanalytiker, avancerade ihållande trådar, scenario-baserad träning, nätverkssäkerhetsverktyg och tekniker.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,455 -
CompTIA Data+® is an early-career data analytics certification for professionals tasked with developing and promoting data-driven business decision-making.
plus, dataplus, CompTIA Data+, certification, data analytics, job roles, business intelligence, collecting data, analyzing data, reporting data, priorities, business decision-making, mining data, manipulating data, visualizing data, statistical methods, complex datasets, governance, quality standards, data life cycle. Comp TIA Dataplus, data analysis, data visualisation, data manipulation, statiscal methods, governance standards, data lifecycle.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,350 -
This CompTIA DataSys+ Certification Training provides comprehensive training covering all exam objectives to help you prepare for the DataSys+ certification exam.
plus, datasysplus, The CompTIA DataSys+ certification validates the core knowledge and skills required for IT professionals working with data systems and infrastructure. This CompTIA DataSys+ Certification Training provides comprehensive training covering all exam objectives to help you prepare for the DataSys+ certification exam. In this training, you will gain a vendor-neutral understanding of key concepts and practices across the data flow. Through expert instruction and hands-on labs, you will learn how to work with data acquisition, processing, storage, security, analysis, and more.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,350 -
This hands-on course will prep you to achieve CompTIA Linux+® certification that is highly valued for Linux administrators, engineers and architects.
plus, linuxplus, CompTIA Linux+, certification training, Linux administrators, Linux engineers, Linux architects, Linux knowledge, Linux administration, installation, troubleshooting, maintenance skills, Linux IT professionals, XK0-004 exam, foundation level, Linux operating system, experience, CompTIA certification prep course, CompTIA Lenix+, Linix+, Linyx+, Lenux+
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,455 -
This CompTIA Network+® Training course prepares you for the CompTIA Exam N10-009, covering network management and troubleshooting procedures.
plus, networkplus, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA Network+, IT infrastructure, certification, designing, configuring, managing, troubleshooting, wireless network, wired network, mobility, virtualization, security, protocols, standards, exam preparation, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-I, certification exam, N10-008, N10-009, vendor-neutral, globally recognized CompTia network plus CompTIA network comptia network+ IT infrastructure professional certification IT networking certification troubleshooting procedures certification
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,790 -
This CompTIA PenTest+® course introduces the general concept and methodologies related to penetration testing & preps you for the PT0-002 exam.
plus, pentestplus, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA PenTest, PT0-002, certification exam, penetration testing, simulated pen test, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Incident Responder, CSSP Auditor, CSSP Infrastructure Support, methodology, concepts. CompTIA Pentest PT0 002 pen-testing simulated pen-test DoD Directives 8140/8570.01 CPSS Analyst CPSS Incident Responder CPSS Auditor CPSS Infrastructure Support methology concept.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,455 -
This CompTIA Security+® certification course prepares you for the CompTIA SY0-701 exam & ensures compliance & secures your organization.
SYO-701, SYO-601, 601, 701, securityplus, plus, CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBER, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBERSECURITY INTRO, CYBERSECURITY INTRODUCTION, CYBER SECURITY INTRO, CYBER SECURITY INTRODUCTION, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA Security+, course, knowledge, certification exam, vendor-neutral, information system security, best practices, Security+ certification, systems, network security, network infrastructure, access control, assessments, audits, cryptography, organizational security, passing, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-II, Management IAM Level-I, requirements. Comptia Security, Comptia Security+ certification exam, Infomation system security, best practises, Security + certification, access controll, organisational security, cryptographycryptography, organisatonal. CompTIA Security+, kurs, certifiering, examen, leverantörsneutral, informationssystemssäkerhet, bästa praxis, kunskap, system, nätverkssäkerhet, nätverksinfrastruktur, åtkomstkontroll, bedömningar, revisioner, kryptografi, organisatorisk säkerhet, godkännande, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, teknisk IAT nivå-II, ledning IAM nivå-I, krav, stavfel comptia, secutiry, ssecurity, sy, leverantörsneutral, bästa praxis, bedömningar, kryptografi, organisatorisk.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classPremiumStarts from $2,790 -
This SecurityX Training course prepares you for the SecurityX exam (formerly CASP+), certifying your knowledge and skills in enterprise security and risk management.
plus, caspplus, ADVANCED SECURITY PRACTITIONER, ADVANCED CYBERSECURITY PRACTITIONER, ADVAN, ADVANCED CYBER SECURITY PRACTITIONER, 8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CompTIA CASP, CASP+ certification, enterprise security, risk management, research and analysis, computing, communications, business disciplines, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Technical IAT Level-III, Management IAM Level-II, Information Assurance Security Architect/Engineer IASAE Level-I, Level II, , navigational terms, s, terms, s, mistypes
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,455 -
Learning Tree
This boot camp goes in-depth into the tools, techniques and processes used by forensics examiners to find and extract evidence from computers.
Investigate, cybercrime, forensics, examiners, evidence, identify, preserve, extract, analyze, report, challenges, analysis, examination, operating systems, differences, Windows, Linux, hands-on labs, commercial, open-source, tools, Certified Computer Forensics Examiner, criminal record, basic computer skills, A+ certification, training, experience, in-depth, law enforcement, legal, information security, incident handling, desire to learn, develop skills. cybercriem, forensic, exaimners, evidnce, analyz, eximine, oerating systems, diffrences, Linaux, CCDE, Forinsics, IT professionals, corporete, incidennt handeling, skilles.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,599 -
Enhance your skills in configuring and governing entitlements with Microsoft Entra ID. This 1-day hands-on course covers access reviews, privileged access tools, and monitoring access events.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learn to configure, secure, and optimize Azure Database for PostgreSQL. Master data migration and advanced features in this hands-on, 1-day course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Master Secure Workloads Using Azure Virtual Networking (AZ-1002) in this one-day course, enhancing IT skills in network security and configuration.
applied skills, applied, skills, AZ-1002, AZ1002, AZ 1002, Azure Virtual Networking, Secure Workloads, AZ-1002, IT Skills, Network Security, Configuration, Training Methods, Course Objectives, Prerequisites, Certification, Virtual Networks, Network Peering, Traffic Management, Azure DNS, Network Security Groups, Azure Firewall, Online Training, In-Person Training, Hands-On Exercises, Network Routing, DNS Settings, IT Roles, Infrastructure Administrators, Security Administrators, Architects, Azuer Virtual Networking, Secure Worklods, AZ1002, IT Skils, Netwrok Security, Configuartion, Traning Methods, Course Objectves, Prerequistes, Certifcation, Virtual Netwroks, Network Perring, Traffic Managment, Azure DSN, Network Securty Groups, Azure Firewal, Online Tranining, In-Person Tranining, Hands-On Exercies, Network Ruting, DNS Settigns, IT Rols, Infrastructure Adminstrators, Security Adminstrators, Archtects, Azure Virtual Networking, Säkra Arbetsbelastningar, AZ-1002, IT-färdigheter, Nätverkssäkerhet, Konfiguration, Utbildningsmetoder, Kursmål, Förkunskapskrav, Certifiering, Virtuella Nätverk, Nätverksparning, Trafikhantering, Azure DNS, Nätverkssäkerhetsgrupper, Azure-brandväggen, Onlineutbildning, Utbildning på plats, Praktiska Övningar, Nätverksrouting, DNS-inställningar, IT-roller, Infrastrukturadministratörer, Säkerhetsadministratörer, Arkitekter
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Master SIEM security operations with Microsoft Sentinel in this intensive 1-day workshop. Learn to configure workspaces, connect services, and automate threat responses.
SC-5001, SC5001, SC 5001, applied skills, applied skill, Microsoft Sentinel, SIEM Security, Azure Security, Microsoft Security Operations, Microsoft Sentinel, SIEM Säkerhet, Azure Säkerhet, Microsoft Säkerhetsoperationer, microsoft security operations analyst, microsoft sentinel course, microsoft sentinel analytics rules, microsoft azure, microsoft defender for cloud, microsoft defender xdr, applied skills, microsoft partner, microsoft sentinel workspaces, microsoft sentinel permissions, sentinel workspace, log analytics workspaces, azure resource, automation rule, automate responses, security teams, defender xdr, resource group, soc team, virtual machines, logic app, security threats, data collected, cloud based, content hub, cloud workload, custom logs, security solutions, security services, threat response,
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
The AZ-140 Azure Virtual Desktop training teaches Azure admins how to plan, deliver, and manage virtual desktop experiences and apps, for any device, on Azure.
az140, CONFIGURAÇÃO E OPERAÇÃO DO WINDOWS VIRTUAL DESKTOP COM MICROSOFT AZURE, , CONFI, CONFIGURAÇÃO E OPERAÇÃO DO WINDOWS VIRTUAL DESKTOP COM MICROSOFT AZURET, AZ-140, AZ140, AZ, 140, 8660AZ-140, Azure, virtual desktop, remote apps, Azure Virtual Desktop, hands-on lab, multi-session virtual environments, configuring, operating, Microsoft, plan, deliver, manage, training, administrators, experiences, devices, optimizing, demonstrations, Azurre, virutal desktop, Azure Vritual Desktop, remot apps, Azzure, Aazure, az140, CONFIGURAÇÃO E OPERAÇÃO DO WINDOWS VIRTUAL DESKTOP COM MICROSOFT AZURE, , CONFI, CONFIGURAÇÃO E OPERAÇÃO DO WINDOWS VIRTUAL DESKTOP COM MICROSOFT AZURET, AZ-140, AZ140, AZ, 140, 8660AZ-140, Azure, Microsoft Azure, virtual desktop, remote apps, device, demonstrations, hands-on lab, multi-session virtual environments, plan, deliver, manage, deploy, optimise, training, AZ-140, configuring, operating, Azur, virtul, desktup, remte, aps, devis, deminstrations, lab experinces, multii-session, envronments, trining, confguring, oprating. Azure, Microsoft Azure, virtuell skrivbord, fjärrappar, enhet, demonstrationer, hands-on labb, multi-session virtuella miljöer, planera, leverera, hantera, distribuera, optimera, träning, AZ-140, konfigurera, driva, stavfel Azur, virtul, desktup, remte, aps, devis, deminstrations, labbupplevelser, multii-session, miljöer, träning, konfigurera, driva.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Get certified in Cisco Solutions with this CCNA course. Prep for CCNP and CCIE Data Center exams. Enroll now.
Cisco Unified Computing System, DCCUCS, B-series blade servers, C-series rack servers, S-Series rack servers, data centers, management, orchestration software, UCS Director, UCS Manager, Cisco Intersight, configuration, operation, maintenance, deployment, security, hands-on practice, critical features, implementing. Cisco Unified Computing Systemm, DCUCS, C-series rock servers, Cisco US Director, Cisco UCS Manger, Cisco Intersith, confuguration, orperation, maintanance, deploiment.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,095 -
Learn to configure advanced Windows Server hybrid advanced services & cloud tech. Master hybrid Azure capabilities, migrate workloads & secure Azure VMs running Windows.
AZ801, Windows Server, Hybrid, Cloud, Azure, virtual, physical, infrastructure, IaaS, workloads, managing, supporting, migration, high availability, troubleshooting, disaster recovery, administrative tools, technologies, Windows Admin Center, PowerShell, Azure Arc, Azure Automation Update Management, Microsoft Defender for Identity, Azure Security Center, Azure Migrate, Azure Monitor. Windwos Server, Azzure, virtaul, adminstrative, PowwerShell, Troubleshhooting, definder, Center, AZ801, Windows Server, Hybrid, Cloud, Azure, virtual, physical, infrastructure, IaaS, workloads, managing, supporting, migration, high availability, troubleshooting, disaster recovery, administrative tools, technologies, Windows Admin Center, PowerShell, Azure Arc, Azure Automation Update Management, Microsoft Defender for Identity, Azure Security Center, Azure Migrate, Azure Monitor. Windwos Server, Azzure, virtaul, adminstrative, PowwerShell, Troubleshhooting, definder, Center.
Intermediate4 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Learn essential conflict management skills and techniques to resolve disputes effectively. Improve team dynamics and foster a positive work environment.
conflict management, conflict resolution, conflict prevention, emotional triggers, proactive response techniques, cooperation, workplace conflict, damaged relationships, poor productivity, conflict training, conflict essentials, conflict skills, conflict scenarios, conflict environment, conflict identification, conflict response, conflict cooperation, conflict course, conflict productivity, conflict relationships, conflict triggers, constructive conflict, destructive conflict, conflict prevention techniques, conflict resolution training, conflict response techniques, conflict identification skills, conflict cooperation skills, conflict management course, conflict resolution course, workplace conflict management, workplace conflict resolution, conflict management skills, conflict resolution skills, conflict prevention skills, conflict identification techniques, conflict response techniques, conflict cooperation techniques, conflict management scenarios, conflict resolution scenarios, conflict prevention scenarios, conflict identification scenarios, conflict response scenarios, conflict cooperation scenarios, conflict productivity techniques, conflict relationships techniques, conflict triggers techniques, constructive conflict techniques, destructive conflict techniques, conflict prevention training, conflict identification training, conflict response training, conflict cooperation training, conflict essentials training, conflict skills training, workplace conflict training, conflict environment training, conflict productivity training, conflict relationships training, conflict triggers training, constructive conflict training, destructive conflict training. confilct, comflict, conflit, conflict managment, conflict resoultion, conflict preventionn, emmotional triggers, pro-active response techniques, work place conflict, dammaged relationships, poor productivty, conflict trainning, conflict essentails, conflict scenerios, conflict envirnoment, conflict idnetification, conflict reponse, conflict co-operation, conflict cource, conflict productivty, conflict relashionships, conflict trigers, constructive confilct, destrutive conflict, conflict prevention techneiques, conflict resoultion trainning, conflict reponse techneiques, conflict idnetification skills, conflict co-operation skills, conflict managment cource, conflict resoultion cource, work place conflict managment, work place conflict resoultion, conflict managment skills, conflict resoultion skills, conflict preventionn skills, conflict idnetification techneiques, conflict reponse techneiques, conflict co-operation techneiques, conflict managment scenerios, conflict resoultion scenerios, conflict preventionn scenerios, conflict idnetification scenerios, conflict reponse scenerios, conflict co-operation scenerios, conflict productivty techneiques, conflict relash
Advanced1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
DevOps Institute
This course will provide you with an understanding of Continuous Testing Foundation® practices. Exam is included to test for certification.
Continuous Testing, DevOps, test automation, developers, quality assurance, security, operational teams, IT professionals, testing strategy, DevOps Test Engineering, DevOps pipelines, software testing, certification training, CTF, continous testing, DevOps testing, develpers, quality assurnce, secuirty, IT proffesionals, DevOps test enginering
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
Boost Microsoft 365 skills: Master productivity with our 1-day Copilot course featuring labs & coaching. Ideal for IT & business pros. Sign up now.
MS-4006, MS 4006, MS4006, data security and compliance, microsoft copilot, team training, data compliance, copilot for microsoft, team course #, instructor - led training, microsoft partner, security and compliance features, learning tree, data protection regulations, general data protection regulation, portability and accountability act, health insurance portability, insurance portability and accountability, california consumer privacy act, accountability act hipaa, european union, payment card industry data, industry data security standard, card industry data security, consumer privacy act ccpa, cyber threats, table of contents, data governance, access control, data protection regulation gdpr, manage data, customer data, united states
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Unlock AI mastery in 1 day with our Copilot Foundations course. Learn to create & use copilots effectively.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learn to craft effective and contextual prompts for Microsoft Copilot across Microsoft 365 applications. Ideal for all users looking to improve productivity and content creation.
ms-4005, ms4005, ms 4005, Microsoft Copilot training, Effective prompts for Microsoft 365, Microsoft 365 productivity tips, Microsoft Copilot effektiva prompter, Microsoft 365 produktivitetstips, microsoft copilot training, team training, copilot for microsoft, microsoft data & ai, content creation, copilot in microsoft, microsoft 365 tenant, course name, training outline, team course, search engines, target audience, team members, types of content, generated content, keyword research, good idea, learning objectives, content creator, creating a course, step by step, content marketing, kind of content, potential customers, social media platforms, content creation process, high level, online learning, table of contents, customer service
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Gain hands-on experience with Power Automate to build workflows and automate processes across your organization. Learn to create, manage, and share automated workflows with this intermediate, 1-day Power Automate course.
PL-7002, PL7002, PL 7002, applied skills, applied skill, microsoft power platform, power automate flow, power apps, applied skills, business process flow, microsoft partner, cloud flow, using power automate, create a flow, role - based certification, power platform, process flows, power bi, customer service, drag and drop, microsoft power automate, team member, office 365, steps to create, microsoft dataverse, cloud based, automating repetitive, microsoft dynamics 365, automate repetitive tasks, microsoft power apps, real time, process improvement, easy access, create custom, send an email
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Gain hands-on experience creating and managing Canvas Apps using Power Apps in this 1-day intermediate course. Learn to build custom apps for any business scenario.
Applied skills, applied skill, pl7001, pl 7001, pl-7001, Power Apps canvas app creation, Power Apps development, custom app development with Power Apps, Power Apps canvas app management, Power Apps for business, Power Apps canvas app creation, Skapa canvas-appar med Power Apps, Power Apps development, Utveckling av Power Apps, Custom app development with Power Apps, Anpassad apputveckling med Power Apps, Power Apps canvas app management, Hantering av canvas-appar med Power Apps, Power Apps for business, Power Apps för företag, canvas app in power apps, power apps canvas apps, power apps app, power apps data sources, custom app development, create a canvas app, power automate and power bi, data model, introduction to power apps, create an app, create customized, business processes, sql server, mobile device, business requirements, app designer, business data, store data, high level, data management, data structures, data types, microsoft dataverse, build an app, building custom apps, business rules, programming language, database designers, app maker, power apps studio,
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
This intermediate, hands-on course teaches you to build model-driven apps using Microsoft Power Apps and Dataverse, covering data modelling, form modifications, and app configuration.
Appllied skills, applied skill, PL-7003, PL7003, PL 7003, Power Apps, Dataverse, Model-Driven Apps, Microsoft Power Platform, Power Apps kurs, Dataverse utbildning, Modellstyrda appar, microsoft power platform, power apps and power automate, applied skills, microsoft power apps, microsoft partner, skill sets, solutions in power apps, specific skill set, model - driven apps, world skills, business processes, customer service, app development, apps and power, microsoft products, user interface, microsoft dataverse, business data, power apps and power, business applications, automated processes, soft skills, common data service, security roles, create custom, developing solutions, time management, job descriptions, work experience, communication skills,
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Unlock AI potential: Learn to create custom copilots with Azure AI Studio in this hands-on course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Master Azure AI Document Intelligence (AI-3002) and unlock the ability to extract data from structured and unstructured documents like forms, receipts, and invoices.
applied skills, applied, skills, Azure AI Document Intelligence, AI-3002, software developers, AI capabilities, Azure AI Services, C#, Python, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, Private Team Training, Training Information, Design solutions, Business forms, Common documents, Custom form types, Composite model, Training Prerequisites, Microsoft Azure, Azure portal, Programming languages, JSON, REST, Training Outline, Module 1, Plan Azure AI solution, AI Document Intelligence, Model type, Module 2, Prebuilt Form Recognizer models, General Document, Read, Layout models, Financial, ID, Tax models, Exercise, Module 3, Extract data, Azure Document Intelligence, Train custom models, Azure Document Intelligence Studio, Module 4, Composed Form Recognizer model, Assemble composed models, Module 5, Form Recognizer custom skill, Azure Cognitive Search, Enrichment pipelines, Deploy custom skill, Azure AI Document Intelligence, AI-3002, mjukvaruutvecklare, AI-förmågor, Azure AI-tjänster, C#, Python, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Online, Privat teamutbildning, Utbildningsinformation, Designlösningar, Affärsformulär, Vanliga dokument, Anpassade formulärtyper, Sammansatt modell, Utbildningsförutsättningar, Microsoft Azure, Azure-portalen, Programmeringsspråk, JSON, REST, Utbildningsöversikt, Modul 1, Planera en Azure AI-lösning, AI Document Intelligence, Modelltyp, Modul 2, Förbyggda Form Recognizer-modeller, Allmänt dokument, Läs, Layoutmodeller, Finansiella, ID, Skattemodeller, Övning, Modul 3, Extrahera data, Azure Document Intelligence, Träna anpassade modeller, Azure Document Intelligence Studio, Modul 4, Sammansatt Form Recognizer-modell, Montera sammansatta modeller, Modul 5, Anpassad Form Recognizer-färdighet för Azure Cognitive Search, Berikningspipeliner, Distribuera anpassad färdighet
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
Attend this 1-day Excel Workbook course & learn to create new, well-designed workbooks, and to summarize, analyze, organize & present large datasets.
Creating, Designing, Excel Workbooks, Training, Microsoft Excel, workbooks, summarize, analyze, datasets, collect, organize, present, large amounts of data, data-driven workplace, efficient, user-friendly, tool, device, leverage, essential features, 1-day hands-on course, Microsoft Office, on-demand courses, Word, PowerPoint, review sessions, Exel, Workboks
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
Bring this 1-day Stakeholder Engagement course to your team & teach them to work with stakeholders in multidimensional capacities throughout projects.
Stakeholder engagement, stakeholder management, stakeholder analysis, multidimensional stakeholder, stakeholder training, effective stakeholder training, stakeholder list development, stakeholder goal setting, stakeholder objective setting, stakeholder evaluation, private team training, team training, tailored content, comprehensive course materials, equipment setup and teardown, travel costs, instructor travel, convenient location. Stakeholder engagment, stakeholder managment, multidimentional stakehoder, stakeholder trainig, effective stakeholer training, stakeholer list developement, stakeholer goal setting, stakeholder objecive setting, stakeholer evaluation, pirvate team trainig, team trainig, conveenient location, equipment set-up, travel cots, instrctor travel.
Intermediate1 dayTeam Training -
Learning Tree
Master critical thinking & creative problem-solving for corporate problem-solving. Develop left & right-brain thinking, creativity, & outcome-based thinking.
Critical thinking, thinking skills, problem-solving, creative thinking, thinking strategies, thinking techniques, thinking processes, thinking methods, thinking approaches, thinking mindset, thinking habits, thinking ability, left-brain thinking, right-brain thinking, creative problem-solving, organizational problem-solving, corporate problem-solving, cognitive skills, analytical thinking, outcome-based thinking, spur creativity, criticle thinking, creativ thinking, problam solving
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on Crystal Reports course, learn to create sophisticated reports & transform raw data into meaningful information. Attend in-class or online.
CRYSTAL REPORT, CRYSTALREPORT, CRYST, CRYSTAL REPORTT, Crystal Reports, Crystal Reports course, hands-on Crystal Reports, create reports, transform data, link data sources, compelling presentations, retrieve data, format data, meaningful reports, widespread distribution, integrate reports, website, application, .NET, Crystal Reports training, Crytal Reports, Crstal Reports, Cyrstal Reports, Crystl Reports, Cristal Reports
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Learning Tree
Attend this CSS course & learn to build accessible & responsive web apps featuring a rich UI that performs across a wide range of Internet-capable devices.
CSS3, responsive web design, web applications, rich UI, accessible design, collapsible navigation, liquid layout, data tables, forms, WCAG, level A, level AA, level AAA, modern design techniques, typography, flexbox, CSS3 functions, pseudo-selectors, pseudo-elements, CSS integration, Angular, jQuery, HTML, mobile-first design techniques, C3S, RWD, accessible web design, web app design
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
This CSSLP® Training and Certification course provides you with in-depth coverage of the skills and concepts of the eight domains of software security.
8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CSSLP, Certified Secure Software Lifecycle Professional, software security, software development, certification, software concepts, requirements, design, implementation, testing, lifecycle management, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Information Assurance Security Architect, IASAE, Level-I, Level-II, training, exam, in-depth coverage, premier, skills, concepts, achieve, prepared, official, ISC 2, CSSLPP, CSSPL, Certified Secured Software Lifecycle Professional, Information Assurance Security Architect/Engineering, IASAE Level 1, IASAE Level 2, desing, implementaion, testing, lifecyle management, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, Infrmation Assurance Security Architect/Engineer, IASAE, Level-1, Level-2. CSSLP, CSSLP-certifiering, mjukvarusäkerhet, säker mjukvaruutveckling, mjukvarukoncept, krav, design, implementation, testning, livscykelhantering, DoD-direktiv 8140, 8570.01, Information Assurance Security Architect/Engineer, IASAE, Nivå-I, Nivå-II, utbildning, certifiering, ISC ², stavfel CSSLP-certifcation, sofware-säkerhet, secur mjukvaruutveckling, softwre-koncept, requirments, desing, implementaion, testning, lifecyle-hantering, DoD-direktiv 8140/8570.01, Infrmation Assurance Security Architect/Engineer, IASAE, Nivå-1, Nivå-2.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,295 -
Learning Tree
Build customer relationships with our 1-day Essentials of Customer Service Training course.
customer service, training, customer retention, customer acquisition, techniques, best practices, relationships, foundational knowledge, one-day course, mutually beneficial, outstanding, company, customer base, formal prerequisites, customer servise, costumer service, custmer survice, cstomer service, customer serive, costumer survise, custommer service, customar service, customer servie, customer survise, costomer service, costmoer service, custmoer service
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learn to build custom AI copilots with Microsoft Copilot Studio in this 2-day hands-on course. No coding required. Enhance with Power Automate.
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Get hands-on as the course guides you through the architecture, communications, management, installation, and configuration of Citrix Virtual Apps and Desktops to host apps and desktops for your users.
Foundation5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $5,000 -
Learning Tree
This Cyber Security Risk Assessment Training course teaches how to protect your organization by employing a standards-based risk management process.
risk assessment, security risk assessment, cybersecurity, laws and regulations, compliance assessment plan, risk management process, security posture, training, US, 2013, Cyber Security, cyber security, cyberscurity, cyberscurity risk assessment, mispelling, mistake.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
Learn cybersecurity for managers, members of the board and senior executives to understand, assess, and take a proactive posture in cyber security.
cybersecurity training, cyber security, managers, boardroom, senior executives, risk assessment, risk management, security frameworks, security gaps, liability, DoD, 8570.01 Directive, certification objectives, cybersecutiry training, manager, boardrom, cyber secutiry, exectuives, risk assement, risk managment, secuirty frameworks, secutiry gaps, liablility, DOD, 857.01 Directive, sertification objectives.
IntermediateLess than a dayTeam Training -
Get certified in CyberSec First Response with CertNexus. Learn to detect, analyze, and respond to network threats for the new CFR-410 exam.
8140/8570, 8140, 8570, CyberSec First Responder Certification, CertNexus, IT Professionals, analyze threats, secure networks, problem-solving, protect organization, detect, analyze, respond, knowledge, practical skills, recover from attacks, thwart potential threats, CFR Certification Exam, U.S. DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, CSSP Analyst, CSSP Infrastructure Support, CSSP Incident Responder, CSSP Auditor, cybersick, cybersick first responder, cybersex first responder, cyber securityfirst responder, cyberspace first responder.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,455 -
Learning Tree
Cybersecurity Foundations Certificate Program
IntermediateMulti-Week -
In the (DP-203) Azure Data Engineering training course, students will learn about data engineering as it pertains to working with batch and real-time analytical solutions.
Azure Data Engineering Training (DP-203), dp203, DP-203, DP203, DP, 203, 8595DP-203, azure, microsoft azure, azure synapse analytics, azure data lake storage gen2, azure stream analytics, azure databricks, data engineering, data engineering workloads, data transfer, transformation pipelines, data files, data lake, relational data warehouses, real-time data, tracking data assets, data lineage, asure, micosoft, synaps, datalake, streamanalytics, databircks, engineeering, worklloads, transformation pipeliones, stream anlytics, real time data, reletional, warehouse, linage
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
The Data Insights & Visualization Professional Certificate Program equips individuals with an integrated learning model that combines training, assessment, coaching, and collaboration.
FoundationMulti-Week -
Learning Tree
This 1-day introduction to Data Management Tools, provides the knowledge & skills to make effective Machine Learning and AI business & technical decisions.
Big Data, big data technologies, big data trends, big data insights, data solutions, big data platforms, big data tools, big data adoption, technical decisions, business decisions, big data deployment, data analytics, data processing, data management, data warehousing, data visualization, data science, database management, modern data management, data engineering, data architecture, data mining, data security, big dta, big dat, big date, big ata, big dat a, big dataa, Big Data, Data Analytics, Data Science, Data Management, Data Warehousing, Data Mining, Data Insights, Data Trends, Big Data Platforms, Big Data Tools, Big Data Technologies, Big Data Solutions, Big Data Adoption, Big Data Deployment, Business Intelligence, Data-driven Decision Making, Data-driven Insights, Data-driven Strategies, Mis-spellings Big Dta, Big Dataa, Data Anlytics, Data Sceince, Data Managment, Data Warehosing, Data Mning. Stora data, dataanalys, datavetenskap, datahantering, datalagring, datamining, datainsikter, datatrender, stora dataplattformar, stora dataverktyg, stora datateknologier, stora datasolutions, stora dataanvändning, stora datadeployment, affärsintelligens, datadriven beslutsfattande, datadrivna insikter, datadrivna strategier, stavfel Stor Dta, Stor Dataa, Data Anlytics, Data Sceince, Data Managment, Data Warehosing, Data Mning.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learning Tree
Learn data visualization with Python using NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, and Seaborn in this training course for better data analytics.
data visualization, python, training, numpy, pandas, matplotlib, seaborn, data analytics, datavisualization, pythn, trining, numby, pandass, matplotlib, seabornn, datanalytics
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
This hands-on Data Warehousing on AWS course covers concepts, strategies, & best practices for designing a cloud-based data warehousing solution.
data warehousing, cloud-based data warehousing, Amazon Redshift, petabyte-scale data warehouse, Amazon Web Services, AWS, collecting data, storing data, preparing data, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon EMR, Amazon Kinesis Firehose, Amazon S3, business intelligence tools, data analysis, datawarehouse, AWS data warehousing, amazon redshift, amazon web service, dynamodb, emr, s3, data analysis tools.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learn BigQuery internals, optimize data warehousing, and master best practices in this hands-on 3-day intermediate course.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learn to use Salesforce Lightning's "clicks not code" to create custom apps in just 5 days!
Lightning Experience, custom applications, existing applications, objects, fields, UI customization, automation tools, security, app deployment, programmers, point-and-click developers, declarative development, platform, clicks not code, training, DEX403, Salesforce, Lightening Experience, declarative development, app deployement, click not code.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,500 -
Learning Tree
Learn to defend your organization from cyber attacks and protect your data with our course on securing communications and information.
Defending the Perimeter, Cyber Attacks, Training, confidentiality, integrity, availability, organization's information, protecting communications, data, security principles, secure firewalls, Virtual Private Network, VPN, network perimeter, malicious attacks, Basic security knowledge, System and Network Security Introduction, TCP/IP, client server architecture Defending the peremeter Cyber Attaks Trainig confedentiality integrety avaliability comunicationdatum secuirty firwallVirtual Privet Network malicous attakSytem and Network Security Intrduction TCP/IP cclient server arketecture
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
Boost project success with our Delivering Business Value Workshop - learn strategic alignment and value management.
Delivering Business Value Workshop, Project Management Professional Certificate, Strategic Project Planning, Benefits Realization, Value Management, Online Training, In-Person Training, Project Vision Development, Project Development Methodology, Value Measurement Program, Project Compliance, Project Success Criteria, Benefits Realization Management Plan, Predictive vs Adaptive Methodologies, Project KPIs, Project Metrics Monitoring, Leverera affärsvärde workshop, Projektledning professionellt certifikat, Strategisk projektplanering, Fördelsrealisering, Värdehantering, Onlineutbildning, Utbildning på plats, Utveckling av projektvision, Projektutvecklingsmetodik, Program för mätning av värde, Projektöverensstämmelse, Kriterier för projektsuccé, Plan för hantering av fördelsrealisering, Prediktiva vs adaptiva metoder, Projekt KPI:er, Övervakning av projektmetriker, Delivring Busines Vlaue Wrokshop, Projct Managment Profesional Certifcate, Stratgic Projet Plannin, Benfits Realsiation, Vlaue Managment, Onlie Trainin, In-Prson Trainng, Projcet Visoin Developmnt, Projct Develpoment Methodolgy, Vlaue Measuremnt Progam, Projet Complance, Proejct Sucses Criteria, Benfits Realiztion Managemnt Pln, Predictve vs Adptive Methodlogies, Projct KPIs, Projct Metrcs Monitring
Foundation1 dayTeam Training -
Gain expertise in Azure Monitor to optimize performance and reliability of Azure infrastructure. Hands-on course for intermediate-level professionals.
applied skills, applied skill, az-1004, az1004, az 1004, configure azure monitor, deploy azure monitor agent, azure monitoring, microsoft partner, telemetry monitoring, azure monitor alerts, azure monitor change analysis, connection monitor, monitoring skills, azure network watcher tools, azure subscription, real time, action group, activity logs, microsoft azure, resource type, monitoring solutions, azure environment, azure monitor logs, azure cli, frequently asked questions, premises environment, collect data, create alerts, data collection rules, azure monitor metrics, metric alert rules, overview page, 30 minutes, agent installation
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
In this 5-day Citrix course, learn secure remote access with Citrix Virtual Apps, Desktops, and Gateway.
Citrix ADC, Citrix Gateway, load balancing, high availability, operations management, remote access, secure access, Virtual Apps, Desktops, networking, TCP/IP, HTTP, OSI model, network devices, networking protocols, administrators, engineers, architects, deployment, management
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $5,000 -
5-day Citrix course teaches ADC essentials, platforms, architecture, licensing, and traffic management.
Citrix ADC, traffic management, content switching, traffic optimization, global server load balancing, GSLB, high availability, security, performance, SSL offload, load balancing, monitoring, AppExpert policy engine, Rewrite, Responder, learning, implement, manage, administrators, engineers, architects, TCP/IP, HTTP, OSI model, network devices, networking protocols. Citrex ADC, traffic manegement, conten switching, traffic optimization, gobal server load balancing, high availibity, performence, SSL ofload, lod balancing, administratores, enginerrs, architekts, TCP/IP, HTTP, OSI Mojel, network devises, netwrking protocols.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $5,000 -
Master deploying cloud-native apps with Azure Container Apps. Learn to build, deploy, scale, and manage apps efficiently in our AZ-2003 hands-on course.
applied skills, applied skill, az-2003, az2003, az 2003, Azure Container Apps, Azure DevOps, cloud-native applications, containerization, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Azure Pipelines, cloud computing, virtual networks, Microsoft Azure, container orchestration, Azure Container Apps, Azure DevOps, molnbaserade infödda applikationer, containerization, Kubernetes, CI/CD, Azure Pipelines, molnberäkning, virtuella nätverk, Microsoft Azure, containerorkestration, azure container registry roles, microsoft azure, container registry service, cloud native apps, cloud - native apps, azure container registry, microsoft partner, applied skills, container orchestration platforms, azure pipeline configuration, managed service, cloud services, cloud platforms, role based access control, azure portal, cloud native computing foundation, helm charts, azure cli, operating system, azure cloud, software development, cloud based, red hat openshift, deploy and manage, cloud environment, service principals, containerized applications, content trust, source code, building testing
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Enroll on this UCCXD course to gain the skills & knowledge to plan, install, configure & deploy Cisco Unified CCX.
Deploying, Cisco Unified Contact Center Express, UCCXD v6.0, training, contact center deployment, Cisco Unified Contact Center Express, CCX, Cisco Unified IP Interactive Voice Response, IVR, planning, installation, configuration, scripting, troubleshooting, certification, Internetworking Fundamentals, IP telephony concepts, Cisco Unified Communications Manager, IP phones, IP Communicator, contact center operations, cisco unifed contract center, ccx, uccxd, deployment.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-class -
Learning Tree's AZ-700 Azure Network training teaches Network Engineers how to design, implement, and maintain Azure networking solutions.
AZ700, AZ700, AZ, 700, 8662AZ-700, Azure Network Training, Azure networking solutions, design, implementation, maintenance, core Azure networking infrastructure, Hybrid Networking connections, load balancing traffic, network routing, private access to Azure services, network security, monitoring, secure network infrastructure, reliable network infrastructure, hybrid connectivity, routing, private access, Azur Network Trainig, Aazure Network Training, Azuure Network Training, Azure Netowrk Training
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learning Tree's Azure Data Science certification course teaches you how to operate machine learning solutions at cloud scale using Azure Machine Learning.
DP100, Azure, Data Science, Certification, Training, DP-100, machine learning, cloud scale, Python, data ingestion, data preparation, model training, model deployment, solution monitoring, Microsoft Azure, Azur, Datascience, Certifcation, Trainning, DP100, machin learning, clud scale, Pyton, data ingetion, data preperation, modle training, modle deployment, soluton monitoring, Microsft Azur.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree's Microsoft Azure AI Solution training course is intended for software developers wanting to build AI infused applications and more.
AI102, CHAT GPT, CHAT , CHAT GPTT, Microsoft Azure, AI-102, Azure Cognitive Services, Azure Cognitive Search, Microsoft Bot Framework, C#, Python, JSON, REST, computer vision, language analysis, knowledge mining, intelligent search, conversational AI, training, software developers, programming language, APIs, deployment, managing, AI solutions, knowledge, navigation, Microsft Azuer, AI102, Azure Cogntive Services, Azure Cogntive Search, Micrsoft Bot Framework, C sharp, Pyton, JSon, REST programming, computer vison, launguage analsis, inteligent search, converational AI, trainning, software developpers, programming langauge, API, deploying, managin, AI solutons, knowlege, navigatoin.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
In DP-420 learn to create apps with Azure Cosmos DB's SQL API & SDK. Efficient queries, indexing policies, resource management & common operations.
DP420, Azure Cosmos DB, SQL API, SDK, queries, indexing policies, resources, operations, efficient, provision, manage, cloud-native, applications, Microsoft, DP-420, cosmosdb, azure cosmos, sqlapi, sdk, efficient, querying, indexing, policies, management, provisioning, cloudnative, app, microsft, dp420
Intermediate4 daysTeam Training -
Become an Azure DevOps Engineer with our comprehensive AZ-400 training. Learn to plan, deploy, and manage DevOps processes in Azure.
az400, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, DevOps, designing DevOps processes, implementing DevOps practices, source control, scale Git, enterprise, consolidate artifacts, dependency management, manage secrets, continuous integration, container build strategy, release strategy, release management workflow, deployment pattern, optimize feedback mechanisms, Dev-Ops, develops, depoovs, release strtg, contenar bild, continuous intergration.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Prepare for CCNP® Enterprise & Cisco Certified Specialist - Enterprise Design exams with official Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks course.
Designing Cisco Enterprise Networks, ENSLD, CCNP Enterprise, Cisco Certified Specialist Enterprise Design, Implementing and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, ENCOR, exam, knowledge, skills, network design, LANs, IP addressing, subnets, routing, switching, wireless networking, concepts, terminology, engineers, administrators, certifications, Cisco Certified Network Professional. Designing Cisko Enterprise Networks, ENSL, Cisco Certified Specialist Enterprise Dsign, Implimenting and Operating Cisco Enterprise Network Core Technologies, INCOR, IP addresing, subnetting, netwrking, wirelesss networking.
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $4,095 -
Learning Tree
Learn to design BI Data Models for Power BI or Excel dashboards in our Designing Data Models in Excel for Power BI Reports Training.
data models, Excel, Power BI, interactive report, interactive dashboard, importing data, cleansing data, merging data, analyzing data, presenting data, PivotTable, business insights, management decisions, advanced Excel, fundamental Power BI, practical course, flexibility, data journey, strategic data, Power Bo, Power Bl, Powr BI, Pow BI, Pwer BI
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
The Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (AZ-305) course teaches how to design infrastructure solutions and helps prepare you for the Exam AZ-305.
az305, Designing, Azure, Infrastructure, Solutions, Solutions course, Azure Solution Architects, certification exam, governance, computing, application architecture, storage, data integration, authentication, networks, business continuity, migrations, architect design principles, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft AZ-305, Mis-spellings Desinging, Azurre, Infrastructuree, Soluutions, Azuer, Azrue, Infratructure, Solutinos, az305, Microsoft Azure, Azure infrastructure, Azure Solution Architects, design infrastructure solutions, governance, compute, application architecture, storage, data integration, authentication, networks, business continuity, migrations, architect design principles, Azure Solutions, Azure Solution Architecture, Azure infrastructure solutions, Azure design, Azure governance, Azure compute, Azure application architecture, Azure storage, Azure data integration, Azure authentication, Azure networks, Azure business continuity, Azure migrations, Azure architect design principles, Microsoft Azure infrastructure solutions, Microsoft Azure Solution Architects, Microsoft Azure design, Microsoft Azure governance, Microsoft Azure compute, Microsoft Azure application architecture, Microsoft Azure storage, Microsoft Azure data integration, Microsoft Azure authentication, Microsoft Azure networks, Microsoft Azure business continuity, Microsoft Azure migrations, Microsoft Azure architect design principles, Azur, Azuer, Azur Solution Architects, Azur infrastructure, Azur Solutions, Azur Solution Architecture, Azur design, Azur governance, Azur compute, Azur application architecture, Azur storage, Azur data integration, Azur authentication, Azur networks, Azur business continuity, Azur migrations, Azur architect design principles Microsoft Azure, Azure-infrastruktur, Azure-lösningarkitekter, designa infrastrukturlösningar, styrning, beräkning, applikationsarkitektur, lagring, dataintegration, autentisering, nätverk, affärskontinuitet, migrationer, arkitekturdesignprinciper, Azure-lösningar, Azure-lösningarkitektur, Azure-infrastrukturlösningar, Azure-design, Azure-styrning, Azure-beräkning, Azure-applikationsarkitektur, Azure-lagring, Azure-dataintegration, Azure-autentisering, Azure-nätverk, Azure-affärskontinuitet, Azure-migrationer, Azure-arkitekturdesignprinciper, Microsoft Azure-infrastrukturlösningar, Microsoft Azure-lösningarkitekter, Microsoft Azure-design, Microsoft Azure-styrning, Microsoft Azure-beräkning, Microsoft Azure-applikationsarkitektur, Microsoft Azure-lagring, Microsoft Azure-dataintegration, Microsoft Azure-autentisering, Microsoft Azure-nätverk, Microsoft Azure-affärskontinuitet, Microsoft Azure-migrationer, Microsoft Azure-arkitekturdesignprinciper, stavfel Azur, Azuer, Azur Solution Architects, Azur-infrastruktur, Azur-lösningar, Azur-lösningarkitektur, Azur-design, Azur-styrning, Azur-beräkning, Azur-applikationsarkitektur, Azur-lagring, Azur-dataintegration, Azur-autentisering, Azur-nätverk, Azur-affärskontinuitet, Azur-migrationer, Azur-arkitekturdesignprinciper.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Master AI application development with Azure OpenAI and Semantic Kernel SDK in this 1-day, hands-on course.
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Master the art of building ASP.NET Core Razor Pages web apps that effectively consume APIs with this intermediate, hands-on course. Learn to interact with APIs, implement HTTP operations, and render API responses dynamically.
applied skills, applied skill, az-2002, az2002, az 2002, ASP.NET Core Web App, API Consumption in ASP.NET, Razor Pages Development, .NET Core Programming, ASP.NET Core Webbutveckling, API-användning i ASP.NET, Razor Pages Utveckling, core razor pages, core minimal api, razor pages, razor pages syntax, razor pages web app, applied skills, api documentation, core web app, core programming, api consumption, programming language, var builder webapplication.createbuilder args, server side, net core, creating a new project, wide ranges, core mvc, api calls, api functional, model binding, method called, create apis, rest api, core web application, int id get set, web page, command line, web api, additional information, developer experience,
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Master data analysis and visualization with Microsoft Power BI training course. Our DP-605 training course prepares you for the exam and equips you with the skills to create compelling reports and dashboards.
Power BI, Dynamic Reports, Delivery Methods, Training Information, Prerequisites, Training Outline, Get Data, Clean, Transform, Load Data, Design Semantic Model, Add Measures, Calculated Tables, Columns, Report Design, Configure Filters, Manage Workspaces, Manage Semantic Models, Data Analytics, Data Visualization, Data Transformation, Semantic Modeling, Report Distribution, Report Visualization, Data Sources, Data Cleaning, Data Loading, Data Modeling, DAX Calculations, Report Filters, Workspace Management, Semantic Model Management, Advanced Techniques, Interactive Visuals, Power BI, Dynamiska Rapporter, Leveransmetoder, Utbildningsinformation, Förkunskapskrav, Utbildningsöversikt, Hämta Data, Rensa, Transformera, Ladda Data, Designa Semantisk Modell, Lägg Till Mått, Beräknade Tabeller, Kolumner, Rapportdesign, Konfigurera Filter, Hantera Arbetsytor, Hantera Semantiska Modeller, Dataanalys, Datavisualisering, Datatransformation, Semantisk Modellering, Rapportdistribution, Rapportvisualisering, Datakällor, Datarengöring, Datatillämpning, Datamodellering, DAX-kalkyler, Rapportfilter, Arbetsytshantering, Hantering av Semantiska Modeller, Avancerade Tekniker, Interaktiva Visualiseringar
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learn to design, build, and manage APIs with Google Cloud's Apigee API Platform in this hands-on, 3-day introductory course.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learn to design, develop, and deploy secure, scalable applications with Google Cloud in this hands-on, 3-day intermediate course.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Master LookML to build scalable data models in Looker. Enhance your data curation and management skills in this hands-on, intermediate course.
Intermediate1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Develop powerful generative AI solutions on AWS. Get hands-on training to harness AI for innovation. Upgrade your skills now!
amazon bedrock foundation models, amazon bedrock models, how to use amazon bedrock, agents for amazon bedrock, artificial intelligence training, using large language models, generative ai use cases, text prompt, what is prompt engineering, instructor - led training, Recommended keywords, Enrich your text with these keywords to get better SEO results., fine tune, large language models llms, pre training, customer service, training data, natural language processing nlp, software development, wide range, generate text, generate code, specific task, machine learning model, data science, state of the art, programming language, high quality, model learns, specific use cases, answer questions, deep learning models, generative AI, AWS, solutions, training, course, generativ AI, AWS, lösningar, utbildning, kurs
Intermediate2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Learning Tree
Attend this hands-on Spring training course & learn to build enterprise Java applications. Gain the skills to implement high-performance applications.
increase productivity, accelerate development, build enterprise Java applications, simplify development, reduce code complexity, high-performance applications, robust transaction-handling policies, Spring Boot, database access, transactions, Java web services, deploying Java applications, containers, Docker, increse productivity, accalerate development, Springbott.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
The Developing on AWS teaches how to use the AWS SDK to develop secure & scalable cloud apps & preps you for the AWS Certified Developer exam.
AWS SDK, cloud applications, interact with AWS, key concepts, best practices, troubleshooting tips, AWS Certified Developer Associate, developing on AWS, designing on AWS, AWS development, AWS security, AWS scalability, AWS coding, AWS exam preparation, AWS developer certification
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Attend this official Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Training (AZ-204), prep for the exam & work toward your Azure Developer Associate certification.
AZURE FUNCTION, AZ-204, AZ204, AZ20, AZ 204, AZURE, AZURE FUNCTIONT, Developing Solutions, Microsoft Azure, Training, AZ-204, end-to-end solutions, Azure compute solutions, Azure Functions, web apps, Azure storage, authentication, authorization, KeyVault, Managed Identities, connect, consume, Azure services, third-party services, event-based models, message-based models, monitoring, troubleshooting, optimizing, Developin, Soluutions, Micosoft Azurre, Traning, end-to-end soluutions, Compute soluutions, Azurre Fuctions, web apps, Azurre strorage, authentification, autorization, KeyVault, Managed Idenitites, conenct, consuume, Azurre servies, thridparty servies, event-baesd models, mesage-based models, montoring, troublshooting, optmizing
Intermediate5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,350 -
Learning Tree
In this hands-on Oracle SQL queries course, learn the full potential of SQL to create complex queries for Oracle databases. Attend in-class or online.
Oracle SQL, Oracle databases, SQL queries, SQL code, query method, SQL and Oracle RDBMS, SQL Programming Language, Oracle Database 12c, productivity, business problems, accuracy, errors, pitfalls, practical skills, intricacy, elegance, Course 925, Course 2226, Oracel SQL, Oracal SQL, SQL quires, SQL quary, SQL and Oracal RDBMS, Oracal Database 12c., SQL queries, Oracle databases, business problems, productivity, query method, accuracy, errors, pitfalls, SQL code, Oracle RDBMS, SQL programming, Oracle Database 12c, SQL quires, Oracal databases, bussiness problems, produtivity, querry method, acuracy, erors, pitfals, SQL coding, Oracle RDMBS, SQL programing, Oracle Database 12c. SQL-frågor, Oracle-databaser, affärsproblem, produktivitet, frågemetod, noggrannhet, fel, fallgropar, SQL-kod, Oracle RDBMS, SQL-programmering, Oracle Database 12c, stavfel SQL-frågor, Oracal-databaser, bussinessproblem, produtivitet, querry-metod, acuracy, erors, pitfals, SQL-kodning, Oracle RDMBS, SQL-programmering, Oracle Database 12c.
Advanced4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
Learn how to write user requirements in this Developing User Requirements training through an immersive, simulated case study. Attend in-class or online.
Developing User Requirements Training, user requirements, requirements development process, elicitation meetings, well-formed user requirements, validating user requirements, managing changes, stakeholders, resources, practical skills, user requirements document, completing a user requirements project, process mapping methodology, user requirments, requirments devolopment process, elicitation mettings, stake holdres.
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
Learning Tree
Develop your leadership voice for impact. Learn effective communication, strategic planning, and inspiring change in this course.
leadership training course, authentic leadership voice, communication style, presentation skills, engaging, inspiring, motivating, behaviors, techniques, presence, impact, developing, leadership development, leader training, communication training, presentation training, inspiring others, motivating others, leadership traits, leadership skills, effective leadership, communication techniques, presence training, impact training, develop leadership voice, authentic voice, liderchip, training cours, presentashun skills, inspireing, motivaiting
Advanced3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
Learn DevOps fundamentals with GitHub in our training course (AZ-2008). Streamline your development workflow.
Az2008, az 2008, az-2008, applied skills, continuous delivery, devops practices, team training, what is devops, instructor - led training, continuous learning, course name, training outline, github flow, course level, team members, develop and operate, development teams, build test, production environment, software delivery, continuous improvement, developers and operations teams, continuous integration ci, devops tools, devops team, problem solving, learning management system, software development process, pull request, improved collaboration, training courses, communication and collaboration, benefits of devops, online courses, DevOps with GitHub training, DevOps foundations course, version control certification, continuous integration, software development, DevOps med GitHub-utbildning, DevOps-grundkurs, certifiering för versionskontroll, kontinuerlig integrering, mjukvaruutveckling
Foundation1 dayOnline or In-classStarts from $895 -
Learn DevOps Engineering on AWS & become an AWS Certified DevOps Engineer. Develop, deploy & maintain apps on AWS. Pass the official exam.
DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, AWS, Amazon Web Services, DevOps, DevOps patterns, develop, deploy, maintain, methodology, startup, small, medium-sized business, enterprise, exam, certification, AWS Certified DevOps Engineer, Professional, Amazone Web Services, Dev Opps, developement, deply, maintane, AWS certifed DevOps Engeneer.
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,785 -
DevOps Institute
The DevOps Foundation® (DOFD) Certification training includes a collection of basic DevOps terms and concepts, highlights all aspects of DevOps, and more.
DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, DevOps, DOFD, certification, training, cultural movement, professional movement, communication, collaboration, integration, automation, workflows, software developers, IT operations professionals, design, development, deployment, operation, software, services, faster, IT, business, value, customers, basic terms, concepts, people, processes, technology, organizational change, culture, practical, hands-on, assignments. DevOpps DOF certifacation traning culturul movement professinal movement comunication colaboration intergration automtion workflaws sofware developers IT operations proffesionals desing developement deployement oporation sofware servises fastar basik terms concetps peple proceses tecnology organizashunal change culure practicl hands-on asignments
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,675 -
In this DevOps Foundations Training, learn about the proven Lean-Agile principles and gain the knowledge you need to earn the ICAgile (ICP-FDO) certification.
DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, training, course, Lean-Agile, principles, knowledge, certification, value-driven, development lifecycle, lead-time, waste elimination, value-stream analysis, practical steps, implement, organization, ICAgile, ICP-FDO, DevOps foundations, trainig, couurse, Lean-Ajile, principels, knowlegde, certificashun, valu-driven, developmnt lifecicle, leadtim, wate eliminasion, valyu-stream analisis, practicel steps, impliment, organizashun, ICAjile, ICP-FDO, DevOPS foundashuns.
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,395 -
DevOps Institute
DevOps Leader® (DOL) Certification Training provides the insights, techniques & innovative approaches for leaders involved in a DevOps cultural transformation.
DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, DevOps, leader, certification, training, tactical, strategic, design, influence, implement, motivate, cultural transformation, success factor, adoption, human dynamics, practices, methods, tools, engage, performance, culture, workflows, metrics, value stream mapping, IT leaders, innovative approaches, modern IT, organization Devop, leder, sertification, traninig, tectical, stratigic, desing, influece, impliment, motivete, culturul, trunsformation, succss, adoptoin, humen dynamics, prctices, mthods, tols, enage, perfrmance, culure, workfloes, metrcs, valuestreem, mapping, IT leeders, inovative, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEVOPSGOVT, DEVOP, DEVOPS-GOVT, DEV OPS GOVT, DEV OPSGOVT, DEV OP, DevOps, DevOps adoption, cultural transformation, human dynamics, practices, methods, tools, engage, performance, culture, workflows, metrics, value stream mapping, IT leaders, organisation, certification, training, DOL, DevOps Leader, tactical, strategic. DevOp DevOp Leader DevOps Leadership cultural trasformation methdos toolz engae perfomance culutre worklfows metrcis valuestream mapping IT leader organization certificaton trainning DOL certification DevOps Leader certification DevOps, DevOps-adoptering, kulturell transformation, mänsklig dynamik, metoder, verktyg, engagera, prestanda, kultur, arbetsflöden, mätvärden, värdeflödeskartläggning, IT-ledare, organisation, certifiering, utbildning, DOL, DevOps-ledare, taktisk, strategisk, DevOp DevOp-ledare DevOps-ledarskap kulturell transformation metoder verktyg engagera prestanda kultur arbetsflöden mätvärden värdeflödeskartläggning IT-ledare organisation certifiering utbildning DOL-certifiering DevOps-ledarcertifiering.
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
Learning Tree
This Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity course teaches you to identify vulnerabilities and implement a Business Continuity Management System (BCMS).
Disaster Recovery, Business Continuity, Training, Mission-Critical Continuity Needs, Sources of Risk, Incident Response Team Charter, Business Continuity Management System BCMS , Organizational Resilience, Disaster Recovery Plan, Internal Threats, External Threats, Organizational Business Continuity Planning, ICT Service Delivery, Line Management, Project Management, Facilities, Human Resources, Finance may vary and are not d due to lack of context
Foundation4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
The Disciplined Agile® Senior Scrum Master (DASSM) training course will prepare you to take the DASSM exam and use DA immediately in your leadership role.
Disciplined Agile, Senior Scrum Master, Certification, Training, instructor-led, agile practitioners, DA tool kit, optimize, teams, allies, advanced problems, DASSM exam, leadership role, Disciplined Agile Senior Scrum Master, Certifcation, traing, instuctor-led, agil practioners, DA toolkit, optimze, teems, alliez, advenced problems, DASM exam, lider ship role.
Intermediate2 daysTeam Training -
The Disciplined Agile® Scrum Master (DASM) training course will prepare you to take the DASM exam and start using Disciplined Agile immediately.
Disciplined Agile, Scrum Master, training, course, instructor-led, DA, team, improvement, activities, discussions, guidance, exam, immediate use, discipline agile, scrum mastering, instruktor led, dsciplind agile
Foundation2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,050 -
Web designers will learn to build & manage professional websites with Dreamweaver CC in this hands-on, 4-day Introduction to Dreamweaver CC course.
Dreamweaver, Adobe Dreamweaver, web design, HTML, mobile apps, professional websites, manage, build, Mac OS X, Windows skills, CSS, JavaScript, web development, website design, visual interface, hands-on practice, coding, web editor, website builder, website management, website creation, website development, website builder, website builder software, website builder tool, website builder platform, website builder program, website builder application, website builder system, website builder tool, website builder service, website builder online, website builder free, website builder professional, website builder SMB, website builder small business, website builder enterprise, website builder open source, website builder digital marketing, website builder e-commerce, website builder SEO, website builder web hosting, website builder UI, website builder UX, website builder drag-and-drop, website builder templates, website builder plugins, website builder add-ons, website builder integrations, website builder mobile responsiveness, Dreamwever, Adobi Dreamwever, dreemweaver, adove dreamwevaer
Foundation3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $1,750 -
Learning Tree
Learn customer-centered design from framing to implementation. Discover, frame, and drive successful innovation efforts for sustainable value.
Duke CE Certificate Program, innovation, technical leader, customer-centered approach, initiating, developing, deploying, design process, framing, implementation, successful innovation, sustainable value, breakthrough innovation, driving innovation, innovating, US, Driving Breakthrough Innovation, innovation efforts, execution fails, customer-centered solutions. innvovation, tachnical leader, cusotmer-centered, initiatiing, depolying, framming, implamentation, sucessful innovation, sustainible value, driving innvoation, innivating.
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,195 -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in initiating developing and deploying innovative solutions.
advanced leadership training, what is an innovation, innovation course, learning tree, innovation training, course learning objectives, types of innovation, define innovation, technical leadership program, course name, driving breakthrough innovation, training for senior government leaders, problem solving, business models, disruptive innovation, competitive advantages, products and services, leadership skills, incremental innovation, online course, innovative strategies, leadership development programs, radical innovation, leadership roles, continuous improvement, innovation management, innovative program, innovative solutions, business model innovation, cutting edge, short term, product development
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,200 -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in recognizing, diagnosing, and responding to complexity.
advanced leadership training, impact course, impact training, course learning objectives, team development, technical leadership program, course name, course outline, problem solving, leadership skills, students learned, long term, stages of team development, cutting edge, knowledge and skill, solve problems, teams work, performing stage, build trust, real world, action verb, high performing team, forming stage, real life, great course, course design, business leader, learning experiences
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,200 -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in collaboration and influence without authority.
advanced leadership training, course learning objectives, technical leadership program, course name, course outline, technology leadership, leadership framework, prior leadership experience, course title, duke ce, driving breakthrough innovation, govt. leader training, leadership skills, leadership roles, problem solving, long term, team members, learning experience, subject matter, real world, creating a course, leadership development programs, high level, decision makers, great course, course creators, target audience, work experience, professional development, course content, leadership training, action verb
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,200 -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in recognizing, diagnosing, and responding to complexity.
advanced leadership training, learning culture, course learning objectives, complexity course, complexity training, technical leadership program, course outline, course name, technology leadership, Recommended keywords, Enrich your text with these keywords to get better SEO results., problem solving, leadership skills, students learned, long term, team members, learning experiences, knowledge and skills, leadership roles, course content, learning environment, technology leaders, great course, business leaders, practical application, professional development, real world, action verb, course material, digital technology, course design, government
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,200 -
Learning Tree
Tailored for US Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in leading teams and organizations through dynamic change.
advanced leadership training, change course, learning tree, course learning objectives, technical leadership program, course name, course outline, change as an opportunity, technology leadership, leadership framework, thriving in dynamic change, senior government leaders, leadership skills, long term, ability to adapt, team members, leadership role, emerging technologies, creating a course, action verb, real time, high level, great course, course design, business leaders, learning experience, course topics, course creators, project management, personal development, real world, course content
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,200 -
Learning Tree
Tailored for Government, the Duke Corporate Education Advanced Leadership Program teaches skills in translating organizational strategy and executing one's own work strategies.
instructor led, government, training, course name, technical leadership program, course outline, prior leadership experience, technology leadership, organizational strategy, elements of a strategy, problem solving, leadership skills, strategic plan, business leaders, leadership roles, team members, key elements, business strategy, learning objectives, high performance, competitive advantage, subject matter, learning outcomes, technology leaders, digital transformations, cutting edge, action plan, table of contents, work experience, social media
Advanced2 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $2,200 -
Master the intricacies of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central development with our intensive MB 820 training course.
Dynamics 365 Business Central, developer, extending, modules, modifying, integrating, Microsoft Power Platform, troubleshooting, debugging, optimizing, system performance, upgrading, migrating, data, maintaining, system security, Delivery Methods, In-Person, Online, Private Team Training, Training Information, Business Central architecture, functional areas, administration, telemetry management, application security, development environments, user interface customization, onboarding techniques, development standards, extension development, Training Prerequisites, industry terminology, AppSource, Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Source Control Management (SCM), Azure, Certification Information, Microsoft Exam MB-820, Training Outline, Introduction to Business Central, Administration of Business Central, Installation, Development, Deployment, Development Using Application Language (AL), Advanced AL Development, Working with Development Tools, Integration with Other Applications, REST Services, Microsoft Azure, APIs, Microsoft Teams Integration, Dynamics 365 Business Central, utvecklare, utvidga, moduler, modifiera, integrera, Microsoft Power Platform, felsökning, debugga, optimera, systemprestanda, uppgradering, migrera, data, underhåll, systemsäkerhet, Leveransmetoder, På plats, Online, Privat teamutbildning, Utbildningsinformation, Business Central-arkitektur, funktionsområden, administration, telemetrihantering, applikationssäkerhet, utvecklingsmiljöer, anpassning av användargränssnittet, onboardningstekniker, utvecklingsstandarder, utveckling av tillägg, Utbildningsförutsättningar, branschterminologi, AppSource, Application Lifecycle Management (ALM), Source Control Management (SCM), Azure, Certifieringsinformation, Microsoft Exam MB-820, Utbildningsöversikt, Introduktion till Business Central, Administration av Business Central, Installation, Utveckling, Distribution, Utveckling med applikationsspråk (AL), Avancerad AL-utveckling, Arbete med utvecklingsverktyg, Integration med andra applikationer, REST-tjänster, Microsoft Azure, API:er, Microsoft Teams-integration
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,350 -
Dynamics 365 Business Central Training (MB-800) - learn to manage your finances, automate/secure your supply chain, improve customer service, and more.
mb800, Dynamics 365, Business Central, training, small businesses, medium businesses, accounting software, enterprise resource planning, ERP, inventory, transactions, integration, line-of-business systems, reporting, logistics, scalability, mobility, cloud, financials, automate, secure, supply chain, sell smarter, customer service, project performance, optimize operations, MB-800, Microsoft Dynamics, Microsoft 365. Dyanmics 365, Bussiness Central, traning, acccounting software, enterprize resource planning, ERPS, avalibility, optimise, opertations, Ms Dynamics, Ms 365.
Intermediate4 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,140 -
This EC-Council Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE) .NET course teaches how to create secure applications & to achieve CASE .NET certification
EC-Council, Application Security Engineer, CASE, .NET, training, software professional, hands-on, comprehensive, security skills, knowledge, software development life cycle, SDLC, secure methodologies, insecure operating environment, exam, certification, secure programming concepts, programming experience, desktop, mobile, web, cloud applications, multiple choice questions, passing score, software developers, testers, architects, high quality, security, privacy. EC-Counsil Application Secutiry Engineer CAE Net traning software profesional lifecycle methedologieinsecure opperating environment Certifiate passsing score developperarchitctprivicy
Intermediate3 daysTeam TrainingTeam Training -
This EC-Council Certified Application Security Engineer (CASE) Java course teaches how to create secure applications & to achieve CASE Java certification
EC-Council, Certified, Application, Security, Engineer, CASE, Java
Intermediate3 daysOnline or In-classStarts from $3,145 -
This CCISO Certification course from EC-Council focuses on applying information security management principles & preps you to pass the CCISO exam.
8140/8570, 8140, 8570, certification, training, information security, executives, management, principles, technical knowledge, executive management, aspiring CISO, seasoned professionals, knowledge transfer, critical areas, successful program, ISACA, CISM Certification Exam, DoD Directive 8140/8570.01, IAM Level-II, IAM Level-III, CSSP Manager, , s certfication traning execuitivemanagment prinicpletechncial knowledge exectuive management CISO aspiring knowlege tansfer crtitical aeraISACA certification CISM Certification DoD Directive 8140/8570.01 IAM Level II IAM Level III CSSP_Manager
Advanced5 daysOnline or In-classOn-DemandStarts from $2,499 -
Validate your cybersecurity skills with the C|CT Certification in network defense, ethical hacking, digital forensics, and security operations.
CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBER, CYBER SECURITY FOUNDATIONS, CYBERSECURITY FOUNDATION, CYBERSECURITY INTRO, CYBERSECURITY INTRODUCTION, CYBER SECURITY INTRO, CYBER SECURITY INTRODUCTION, cybersecurity, technician, certification, program, network defense, ethical hacking, digital forensics, security operations, C|CT, entry-level, foundational skills, validation, individual, domains, increasing need, strong skills, cybersecutiry, techician